path: root/python
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-31python/python-clamd: Switch to i586. Brenton Earl
2018-03-31python/python3-dateutil: Updated for version 2.7.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-31python/python3-dateutil: Updated for version 2.7.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-31python/migen: Updated homepage. David Spencer
2018-03-31python/Pyro4: Updated homepage and download. David Spencer
2018-03-31python/halberd: Update homepage. Brenton Earl
2018-03-31python/python-fusepy: Updated homepage + download url. Andreas Guldstrand
2018-03-24python/paramiko: Updated for version 2.4.1. Heinz Wiesinger
2018-03-24python/pytz: Updated for version 2018.3. Heinz Wiesinger
2018-03-24python/tqdm: Updated for version 4.19.8. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-24python/astroid: Updated for version 1.6.2. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-24python/pkginfo: Updated for version 1.4.2. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-24python/python3-tornado: Updated for version 5.0.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-24python/affine: Updated for version 2.2.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-24python/click-plugins: Updated for version 1.0.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-24python/snuggs: Add Python 3 support. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-24python/phply: Updated for version 1.2.4. Brenton Earl
2018-03-23python/pytest-runner: Updated for version 4.2. David Spencer
2018-03-23python/dfvfs: Updated for version 20171230. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-23python/backports.lzma: Added (Backport of Python 3.3 lzma library). Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-22python/plaso: Updated for version 20180127. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-22python/pysqlite: Added (Python interface to SQLite 3). Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-22python/dfwinreg: Updated for version 20170706. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-22python/dfdatetime: Updated for version 20180318. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-22python/pytsk: Updated for version 20180225. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-22python/artifacts: Updated for version 20180115. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-21python/XlsxWriter: Updated for version 1.0.2. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-21python/pyparsing: Updated for version 2.2.0. Barry J. Grundy
2018-03-19python/pyperclip: Updated for version 1.6.0. Brenton Earl
2018-03-19python/stopit: Updated for version 1.1.2. Brenton Earl
2018-03-18python/pygobject3-python3: Update maintainer email. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-18python/dbus-python3: Update maintainer email. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-18python/Mako: Update maintainer email. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-17python/s3transfer: Updated for version 0.1.13. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-17python/python-xcffib: Updated for version 0.6.0. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-17python/trollius: Updated for version 2.2. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-17python/pytest: Updated for version 3.4.2. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-17python/pluggy: Updated for version 0.6.0. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-17python/selenium: Updated for version 3.10.0. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-17python/python3-xlib: Removed (replaced by python-xlib). Hunter Sezen
2018-03-17python/python-xlib: Updated for version 0.21 + new maintainer. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-17python/pyewmh: Updated for version 0.1.6. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-17python/pyxdg: Updated for version 0.26. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-17python/setuptools-scm: Updated for version 1.15.7. Hunter Sezen
2018-03-17python/python-autobahn: Updated for version 18.3.1. David Spencer
2018-03-17python/python-txaio: Updated for version 2.9.0. David Spencer
2018-03-17python/python-m2r: Updated for version 0.1.13. David Spencer
2018-03-17python/pytest-runner: Updated for version 4.0. David Spencer
2018-03-17python/pycld2: Add Python 3 support. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-17python/python3-dateutil: Updated for version 2.7.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-17python/python3-jupyter_client: Updated for version 5.2.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-17python/python-neovim: Updated for version 0.2.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-10python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.24.1. Andrew Clemons
2018-03-10python/bleach: Updated for version 2.1.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-10python/python3-tornado: Updated for version 5.0.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-10python/tqdm: Compress manpage. David Spencer
2018-03-09python/arrow: Added (python library for dates, times). Jostein Berntsen
2018-03-05python/python-neovim: Updated for version 0.2.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-03-05python/python3-augeas: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/python-yenc: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/python-suds: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/pychart: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/p4python: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/dhcpy6d: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/dfwinreg: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/dfdatetime: Mirror download url. Matteo Bernardini
2018-03-05python/python-notify2: Updated for version 0.3.1. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-03-03python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.24.0 Andrew Clemons
2018-03-03python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.47.0. Markus Rinne
2018-03-03python/python-yenc: Update download url. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-03python/p4python: Update download url. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/dfdatetime: Update download url. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/dfwinreg: Update download url. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/dhcpy6d: Update download url. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/mock: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/pynzb: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/pyquery: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/python-orbited: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/python-oauth: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/python-discid: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/python-cheetah: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/pystatsd: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/pyudev: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-03-02python/rope: Switch to https. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-02-24python/python-scandir: Updated for version 1.7. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-02-24python/python-urllib3: Updated for version 1.22 + New maintainer. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-02-24python/python-certifi: Updated for version 2018.1.18. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-02-24python/s3cmd: Updated for version 2.0.1 Larry Hajali
2018-02-24python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 4.8.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-02-24python/mistune: Updated for version 0.8.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-02-17python/foolscap: Update md5sum. Andrew Clemons
2018-02-17python/coverage: Updated for version 4.5.1. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-02-17python/typing: Updated for version 3.6.4. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-02-17python/python3-pexpect: Updated for version 4.4.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-02-17python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 4.8.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-02-17python/pyzmq: Updated for version 17.0.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-02-17python/python3-pyzmq: Updated for version 17.0.0 Christoph Willing
2018-02-17python/snowballstemmer: Add python3 support. Nikos Giotis
2018-02-17python/imagesize: Add python3 support. Nikos Giotis
2018-02-17python/alabaster: Updated for version 0.7.10. Nikos Giotis