path: root/system/gpustat/README
blob: a3b0ccf4f568b18a8f8339b53849718562c8e724 (plain)

Just less than nvidia-smi?

gpustat uses NVIDIA's official python bindings for NVML library
(pynvml). As of now gpustat requires nvidia-ml-py >= 11.450.129, which
is compatible with NVIDIA driver versions R450.00 or higher. Please
upgrade the NVIDIA driver if gpustat fails to display process

The GPU ID (index) shown by gpustat (and nvidia-smi) is PCI BUS ID,
while CUDA uses a different ordering (assigns the fastest GPU with the
lowest ID) by default. Therefore, in order to ensure CUDA and gpustat
use same GPU index, configure the CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER environment variable

This is a very simple program, you might want to add its output to
some status bar, such as byoby, i3-bar, or xfce4-generic-monitor.