path: root/desktop/nwg-hello/README
blob: 0002ff6f17ea7a41695c37f75f16b74c5e2c3e55 (plain)
nwg-hello (GTK3-based greeter for greetd)

 - Multi-monitor support with gtk-layer-shell,
 - multi-language support,
 - background & style customization with css,
 - automatic selection of the last used session and user,
 - support for setting environment variables.

To enable nwg-hello you must setup 'greetd' to load on boot. Then copy
'/etc/greetd/config.toml' to '/etc/greetd/greetd.conf' and change the
'command' entry to be 'sway -c /etc/nwg-hello/sway-config'