path: root/desktop/compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported/README
blob: 1c906f960458cea30265a08004aab0930161e372 (plain)
The plugins in the Plugins Unsupported package are freely available for users 
to try, but they are not supported. Most of them offer miscellaneous eye candy 
or special utilities, but they are either quick demonstrations with few 
features, or likely to have bugs.

Suggested build order:
 1. compiz-bcop
 2. libcompizconfig
 3. compizconfig-backend-kconfig (optional)
 4. compizconfig-backend-gconf (optional)
 5. compizconfig-python
 6. ccsm
 7. simple-ccsm (optional)
 8. compiz-fusion-plugins-main
 9. compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (optional)
10. compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported (optional)
11. emerald (optional)
12. emerald-themes (optional)
13. fusion-icon (optional)