path: root/python
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-23python/python3-tox: Version bump to 4.13.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-23python/python3-deluge-client: Version bump to 1.10.2 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-23python/python3-pythran: Update for 0.15.0 isaackwy
2024-02-23python/python3-anyio: Update for 4.3.0 isaackwy
2024-02-23python/python3-docstring-to-markdown: Update for 0.15 isaackwy
2024-02-22python/relatorio: Switched to python2-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-xmldiff: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-ufolib2: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-svglib: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-sipsimple: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-pykeepass: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-obspy: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-cinemagoer: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/python3-aksharamukha: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/pikepdf: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/odoo: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/jdcal: Split lxml dep into python2/python3 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/html5parser: Switched to python2-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/euca2ools: Switched to python2-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/et_xmlfile: Switched to python3-lxml Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/pyquery: Switch to python2-lxml and rm cssselect (dep of lxml) Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-22python/parsel: Switch to python2-lxml and rm cssselect (dep of lxml) Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-17python/pycryptodomex: Updated for version 3.20.0. Markus Rinne
2024-02-17python/python3-uri_template: Update for 1.3.0 isaackwy
2024-02-17python/lockfile: Removed (splitted to python2 & python3). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-17python/python3-identify: Updated for version 2.5.34. Andrew Clemons
2024-02-17python/python3-threadpoolctl: Updated for version 3.3.0. Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-17python/python3-lxml: Added (Python3 of lxml). Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-17python/python2-lxml: Added (Python2 of lxml). Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-17python/python2-cssselect: Added (Python2 of cssselect). Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-17python/python3-cssselect: Added (Python3 of cssselect). Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-17python/python3-pytest: Version bump to 8.0.1 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-16python/python3-userpath: Updated for version 1.9.1. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-pox: Updated for version 0.3.4. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-pipx: Updated for version 1.3.1. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-marisa-trie: Updated for version 1.1.0. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-argcomplete: Updated for version 3.0.8. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-klepto: Updated for version 0.2.5. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-colorlog: Updated for version 6.8.2. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-16python/python3-zodbpickle: updated for version 3.2 Arn0
2024-02-16python/python3-persistent: updated for version 5.2 Arn0
2024-02-16office/mate-calc: Updated for version 1.28.0. Johannes Schoepfer
2024-02-16python/python3-trio: Added (Python library for async concurrency). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-16python/python3-hatchling: Updated for version 1.21.1. fourtysixandtwo
2024-02-16python/python3-plotly: Update for 5.19.0 isaackwy
2024-02-15python/python3-slugify: Version bump to 8.0.4 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-15python/python3-prometheus_client: Update for 0.20.0 isaackwy
2024-02-13python/python3-pyosmium: Added (python binding for osmium). Michales Michaloudes
2024-02-13python/rst2pdf: Updated for version 0.101. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-13python/python3-reportlab: Updated for version 4.1.0. Vijay Marcel
2024-02-13python/python2-lockfile: Added (file locking module). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-12python/python3-debugpy: Update for 1.8.1 isaackwy
2024-02-10python/python3-daemon: Updated dependencies. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-10python/python3-routes: Add missing chown step. Andrew Clemons
2024-02-10python/python3-plotly: Added (graphing library). Isaac Yu
2024-02-10python/python3-tenacity: Added (retrying library). Isaac Yu
2024-02-10python/python-mysql-replication: Updated for version 1.0.6. Andrew Clemons
2024-02-10python/Kallithea: Updated patch. Arn0
2024-02-10python/python3-webhelpers2: Updated for version 2.1. Arn0
2024-02-10python/python3-dogpile.cache: Updated for version 1.3.1. Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-10python/python3-waitress: Updated for version 3.0.0. Arn0
2024-02-10python/python3-BTrees: Updated for version 5.2. Arn0
2024-02-10python/ipython: Note on why we can't update. Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-10python/python3-pandas: Note on why we can't update. Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-10python/python3-watchdog: Update for 4.0.0 isaackwy
2024-02-10python/python3-lockfile: Added (file locking module). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-10python/python3-profilehooks: Added (Python decorators). Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-10python/python3-playsound: Added (Python sound library). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-07python/python3-tox: Version bump to 4.12.1 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-pytest: Version bump to 8.0.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/scikit-learn: Version bump to 1.4.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-qbittorrent-api: Version bump to 2024.1.58 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-pluggy: Version bump to 1.4.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-platformdirs: Version bump to 4.2.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-pdm: Version bump to 2.12.3 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-cachecontrol: Version bump to 0.14.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-PyGithub: Version bump to 2.2.0 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-slugify: Version bump to 8.0.3 Jeremy Hansen
2024-02-07python/python3-cloudflare: Updater for version 2.17.0 С. С. Болоканаръ
2024-02-07python/certbot-dns-cloudflare: Updated for version 2.8.0 С. С. Болоканаръ
2024-02-04python/icalendar: Removed (use python3-icalendar). Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2024-02-03python/pyOpenSSL: Updated for version 24.0.0. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2024-02-02python/python3-multidict: Updated for version 6.0.5. Jay Lanagan
2024-02-02python/python3-daemon: Added (Python Daemon). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-02-02python/python3-aiohttp: Updated for version 3.9.3. Jay Lanagan
2024-01-30python/python3-isodate: Added (ISO Date). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-01-30python/python3-overrides: Update for 7.7.0 isaackwy
2024-01-26python/buildbot: updated for version 3.11.0 Arn0
2024-01-26python/buildbot-worker: updated for version 3.11.0 Arn0
2024-01-26python/buildbot-badges: updated for version 3.11.0 Arn0
2024-01-26python/python3-hupper: updated for version 1.12.1 Arn0
2024-01-26python/BeautifulSoup4: Updated for version 4.12.3. Giancarlo Dessi
2024-01-26python/python3-outcome: Added (python module). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2024-01-26python/python3-seaborn: Update for 0.13.2 isaackwy
2024-01-26python/python3-bcrypt: updated for version 4.1.2 Arn0
2024-01-26python/python3-authheaders: updated for version 0.16.2 Arn0
2024-01-24python/python3-overrides: Update for 7.6.0 isaackwy
2024-01-24python/python3-dnspython: updated for version 2.5.0 Arn0
2024-01-22python/python3-grpcio: Update for 1.48.4 isaackwy
2024-01-22python/python3-arrow: Update for 1.3.0 isaackwy