path: root/audio/jack-tools/aeffect.h
blob: f5f01c8b62b6c3a310f6905750921e18214ae6b3 (plain)
// VST Plug-Ins SDK
// Version 2.4		$Date: 2006/06/20 17:22:55 $
// Category     : VST 2.x Interfaces
// Filename     : aeffect.h
// Created by   : Steinberg Media Technologies
// Description  : Definition of AEffect structure
// © 2006, Steinberg Media Technologies, All Rights Reserved

#ifndef __aeffect__
#define __aeffect__

// gcc based compiler, or CodeWarrior on Mac OS X
#if ((defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__APPLE_CPP__) || defined(__APPLE_CC__))) || (defined (__MWERKS__) && defined (__MACH__)))
	#if __ppc__

	#ifdef __LP64__
		#pragma options align=power
		#pragma options align=mac68k
#elif defined __BORLANDC__
	#pragma -a8
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
    #pragma pack(push,8)
    #define VSTCALLBACK __cdecl
#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__FLAT__) || defined CBUILDER
	#pragma pack(push)
	#pragma pack(8)
	#define VSTCALLBACK __cdecl

#include <string.h>	// for strncpy

// VST Version

/** Define SDK Version (you can generate different versions (from 2.0 to 2.4) of this SDK by setting the unwanted extensions to 0). */
#define VST_2_1_EXTENSIONS 1 ///< Version 2.1 extensions (08-06-2000)
#define VST_2_2_EXTENSIONS 1 ///< Version 2.2 extensions (08-06-2001)
#define VST_2_3_EXTENSIONS 1 ///< Version 2.3 extensions (20-05-2003)
#ifndef VST_2_4_EXTENSIONS
#define VST_2_4_EXTENSIONS 1 ///< Version 2.4 extensions (01-01-2006)

/** Current VST Version */
	#define kVstVersion 2400
	#define kVstVersion 2300
	#define kVstVersion 2200
	#define kVstVersion 2100
	#define kVstVersion 2

/** Disable for Hosts to serve Plug-ins below VST 2.4 */

/** Declares identifier as deprecated. */
#define DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(identifier) __##identifier##Deprecated
#define DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED(identifier) identifier

/** Define for 64 Bit Platform. */
#define VST_64BIT_PLATFORM _WIN64 || __LP64__

// Integral Types

#ifdef WIN32
typedef short VstInt16;				///< 16 bit integer type
typedef int VstInt32;				///< 32 bit integer type
typedef __int64 VstInt64;			///< 64 bit integer type
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int16_t VstInt16;			///< 16 bit integer type
typedef int32_t VstInt32;			///< 32 bit integer type
typedef int64_t VstInt64;			///< 64 bit integer type

// Generic Types

typedef VstInt64 VstIntPtr;			///< platform-dependent integer type, same size as pointer
typedef VstInt32 VstIntPtr;			///< platform-dependent integer type, same size as pointer

// Misc. Definition
#undef CCONST
struct AEffect;

/// @cond ignore
typedef	VstIntPtr (VSTCALLBACK *audioMasterCallback) (AEffect* effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt);
typedef VstIntPtr (VSTCALLBACK *AEffectDispatcherProc) (AEffect* effect, VstInt32 opcode, VstInt32 index, VstIntPtr value, void* ptr, float opt);
typedef void (VSTCALLBACK *AEffectProcessProc) (AEffect* effect, float** inputs, float** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames);
typedef void (VSTCALLBACK *AEffectProcessDoubleProc) (AEffect* effect, double** inputs, double** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames);
typedef void (VSTCALLBACK *AEffectSetParameterProc) (AEffect* effect, VstInt32 index, float parameter);
typedef float (VSTCALLBACK *AEffectGetParameterProc) (AEffect* effect, VstInt32 index);
/// @endcond

/** Four Character Constant (for AEffect->uniqueID) */
#define CCONST(a, b, c, d) \
	 ((((VstInt32)a) << 24) | (((VstInt32)b) << 16) | (((VstInt32)c) << 8) | (((VstInt32)d) << 0))

/** AEffect magic number */
#define kEffectMagic CCONST ('V', 's', 't', 'P')

/** Basic VST Effect "C" Interface. */
struct AEffect
	VstInt32 magic;			///< must be #kEffectMagic ('VstP')

	/** Host to Plug-in dispatcher @see AudioEffect::dispatcher */
	AEffectDispatcherProc dispatcher;
	/** \deprecated Accumulating process mode is deprecated in VST 2.4! Use AEffect::processReplacing instead! */
	AEffectProcessProc DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (process);
	/** Set new value of automatable parameter @see AudioEffect::setParameter */
	AEffectSetParameterProc setParameter;

	/** Returns current value of automatable parameter @see AudioEffect::getParameter*/
	AEffectGetParameterProc getParameter;

	VstInt32 numPrograms;   ///< number of programs
	VstInt32 numParams;		///< all programs are assumed to have numParams parameters
	VstInt32 numInputs;		///< number of audio inputs
	VstInt32 numOutputs;	///< number of audio outputs

	VstInt32 flags;			///< @see VstAEffectFlags
	VstIntPtr resvd1;		///< reserved for Host, must be 0
	VstIntPtr resvd2;		///< reserved for Host, must be 0
	VstInt32 initialDelay;	///< for algorithms which need input in the first place (Group delay or latency in Samples). This value should be initialized in a resume state.
	VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (realQualities);	///< \deprecated unused member
	VstInt32 DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (offQualities);		///< \deprecated unused member
	float    DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (ioRatio);			///< \deprecated unused member

	void* object;			///< #AudioEffect class pointer
	void* user;				///< user-defined pointer

	VstInt32 uniqueID;		///< registered unique identifier (register it at Steinberg 3rd party support Web). This is used to identify a plug-in during save+load of preset and project.
	VstInt32 version;		///< plug-in version (example 1100 for version

	/** Process audio samples in replacing mode @see AudioEffect::processReplacing */
	AEffectProcessProc processReplacing;

	/** Process double-precision audio samples in replacing mode @see AudioEffect::processDoubleReplacing */
	AEffectProcessDoubleProc processDoubleReplacing;
	char future[56];		///< reserved for future use (please zero)
	char future[60];		///< reserved for future use (please zero)

/** AEffect flags */
enum VstAEffectFlags
	effFlagsHasEditor     = 1 << 0,			///< set if the plug-in provides a custom editor
	effFlagsCanReplacing  = 1 << 4,			///< supports replacing process mode (which should the default mode in VST 2.4)
	effFlagsProgramChunks = 1 << 5,			///< program data is handled in formatless chunks
	effFlagsIsSynth       = 1 << 8,			///< plug-in is a synth (VSTi), Host may assign mixer channels for its outputs
	effFlagsNoSoundInStop = 1 << 9,			///< plug-in does not produce sound when input is all silence

	effFlagsCanDoubleReplacing = 1 << 12,	///< plug-in supports double precision processing

	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasClip) = 1 << 1,			///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsHasVu)   = 1 << 2,			///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsCanMono) = 1 << 3,			///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsExtIsAsync)   = 1 << 10,	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effFlagsExtHasBuffer) = 1 << 11		///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4

/** Basic dispatcher Opcodes (Host to Plug-in) */
enum AEffectOpcodes
	effOpen = 0,		///< no arguments  @see AudioEffect::open
	effClose,			///< no arguments  @see AudioEffect::close

	effSetProgram,		///< [value]: new program number  @see AudioEffect::setProgram
	effGetProgram,		///< [return value]: current program number  @see AudioEffect::getProgram
	effSetProgramName,	///< [ptr]: char* with new program name, limited to #kVstMaxProgNameLen  @see AudioEffect::setProgramName
	effGetProgramName,	///< [ptr]: char buffer for current program name, limited to #kVstMaxProgNameLen  @see AudioEffect::getProgramName
	effGetParamLabel,	///< [ptr]: char buffer for parameter label, limited to #kVstMaxParamStrLen  @see AudioEffect::getParameterLabel
	effGetParamDisplay,	///< [ptr]: char buffer for parameter display, limited to #kVstMaxParamStrLen  @see AudioEffect::getParameterDisplay
	effGetParamName,	///< [ptr]: char buffer for parameter name, limited to #kVstMaxParamStrLen  @see AudioEffect::getParameterName
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effGetVu),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4

	effSetSampleRate,	///< [opt]: new sample rate for audio processing  @see AudioEffect::setSampleRate
	effSetBlockSize,	///< [value]: new maximum block size for audio processing  @see AudioEffect::setBlockSize
	effMainsChanged,	///< [value]: 0 means "turn off", 1 means "turn on"  @see AudioEffect::suspend @see AudioEffect::resume

	effEditGetRect,		///< [ptr]: #ERect** receiving pointer to editor size  @see ERect @see AEffEditor::getRect
	effEditOpen,		///< [ptr]: system dependent Window pointer, e.g. HWND on Windows  @see AEffEditor::open
	effEditClose,		///< no arguments @see AEffEditor::close

	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effEditDraw),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effEditMouse),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effEditKey),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4

	effEditIdle,		///< no arguments @see AEffEditor::idle
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effEditTop),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effEditSleep),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (effIdentify),	///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4
	effGetChunk,		///< [ptr]: void** for chunk data address [index]: 0 for bank, 1 for program  @see AudioEffect::getChunk
	effSetChunk,		///< [ptr]: chunk data [value]: byte size [index]: 0 for bank, 1 for program  @see AudioEffect::setChunk

/** Basic dispatcher Opcodes (Plug-in to Host) */
enum AudioMasterOpcodes
	audioMasterAutomate = 0,	///< [index]: parameter index [opt]: parameter value  @see AudioEffect::setParameterAutomated
	audioMasterVersion,			///< [return value]: Host VST version (for example 2400 for VST 2.4) @see AudioEffect::getMasterVersion
	audioMasterCurrentId,		///< [return value]: current unique identifier on shell plug-in  @see AudioEffect::getCurrentUniqueId
	audioMasterIdle,			///< no arguments  @see AudioEffect::masterIdle
	DECLARE_VST_DEPRECATED (audioMasterPinConnected) ///< \deprecated deprecated in VST 2.4 r2

/** String length limits (in characters excl. 0 byte) */
enum VstStringConstants
	kVstMaxProgNameLen   = 24,	///< used for #effGetProgramName, #effSetProgramName, #effGetProgramNameIndexed
	kVstMaxParamStrLen   = 8,	///< used for #effGetParamLabel, #effGetParamDisplay, #effGetParamName
	kVstMaxVendorStrLen  = 64,	///< used for #effGetVendorString, #audioMasterGetVendorString
	kVstMaxProductStrLen = 64,	///< used for #effGetProductString, #audioMasterGetProductString
	kVstMaxEffectNameLen = 32	///< used for #effGetEffectName

/** String copy taking care of null terminator. */
inline char* vst_strncpy (char* dst, const char* src, size_t maxLen)
	char* result = strncpy (dst, src, maxLen);
	dst[maxLen] = 0;
	return result;

/** String concatenation taking care of null terminator. */
inline char* vst_strncat (char* dst, const char* src, size_t maxLen)
	char* result = strncat (dst, src, maxLen);
	dst[maxLen] = 0;
	return result;

/** Cast #VstIntPtr to pointer. */
template <class T> inline T* FromVstPtr (VstIntPtr& arg)
	T** address = (T**)&arg;
	return *address;

/** Cast pointer to #VstIntPtr. */
template <class T> inline VstIntPtr ToVstPtr (T* ptr)
	VstIntPtr* address = (VstIntPtr*)&ptr;
	return *address;

/** Structure used for #effEditGetRect. */
struct ERect
	VstInt16 top;		///< top coordinate
	VstInt16 left;		///< left coordinate
	VstInt16 bottom;	///< bottom coordinate
	VstInt16 right;		///< right coordinate

	#pragma options align=reset
#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__FLAT__) || defined(__GNUC__)
	#pragma pack(pop)
#elif defined __BORLANDC__
	#pragma -a-

#endif	// __aeffect__