path: root/system/sbotools/README
blob: 1f335cf7b372f990c5f01faac981779d9b0fe650 (plain)
sbotools (ports-like interface to

sbotools is a set of perl scripts providing a ports-like automation
interface to Its features include requirement handling
and the ability to handle 32-bit and compat32 builds on multilib
x86_64 systems.

There are man pages for each of the sbo* commands, and more documentation,
as well as online versions of the man pages, can be found at

sbotools bundles the required Perl module Sort::Versions with it. This does
not interfere with a copy installed from the CPAN, or from

sbotools is written and maintained by d4wnr4z0r, xocel, and pink_mist;
we can be contacted in #sbotools on freenode.