path: root/network/psi-plus/README
blob: ff78abdbbb6c2371e60d1a2bcf9095f8053d0857 (plain)
Development branch of Psi XMPP client by

NOTE This is intended for advanced users and developers.
NOTE This can coexist with the stable psi package.

In 2009 a Psi fork named Psi+ was started. Project purposes are: implementation
of new features, writing of patches and plugins for transferring them to
upstream. As of 2017 the most of active Psi+ developers have become official
Psi developers, but Psi+ still has a number of unique features. From developers
point of view Psi+ is just a development branch of Psi IM client which is
hosted at separate git repositories and for which rolling release development
model is used.


Current version of Psi+ is 1.3.411

It is based on:
* psi: f915d7a6
* patches: 3d73477
* plugins: e9b9dd1
* resources: c0bfb8a