path: root/network/openfire/README
blob: 7485f7dfd0d0e455bc3ed1c70a8ccb9ef80a586b (plain)
Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server written in Java and
licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It uses the only widely
adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber).
Openfire is incredibly easy to setup and administer, but offers
rock-solid security and performance.

This script repacks the tar.gz into a slackware package.

Groupname and Username

You must have the 'openfire' group and user to run this script,
for example:

  groupadd -g 265 openfire
  useradd -u 265 -g 265 -c "Openfire Server" -m openfire

See README.SLACKWARE for setup details.