path: root/audio/rosegarden/README
blob: 74d6a17fbcdf40284c9e702436851aa9a4ed4cbd (plain)
Rosegarden is an attractive, user-friendly MIDI and audio sequencer,
notation editor, and general-purpose music composition and editing
application for Unix and Linux.

This will need the kde3-compat libs from /extra to build.

Aditionally fftw and jack-audio-connection-kit are required.
liblo, liblrdf and ladspa_sdk are optional dependencies, and will be
used if available at build time.
LIRC is another optional dependency; if you want lirc-support, you
will have to pass LIRC=yes to the script.
Further rosegarden makes use of xml-twig and lilypond at runtime.
All dependencies (required and optional) are available at