A collection of `bash` scripts for running `qemu` virtual machines ## Requirements To use vnc a `vncviewer` such as `tigervnc` from `extra` is required. ## Description Simple `bash` scripts for easy creation and managing `qemu` virtual machines. The whole system is to be used as a helper to generate the `qemu` command line using a single configuration file for each user of the system `~/.vms/vms.conf`. A command line utility is provided, `vms` that can be used to create and manage virtual machines. The user edits his `~/.vms/vms.conf` file to add more options, such as more devices or raw `qemu` command line options. The `vms` utility can also be used to list, start, stop, kill the configured virtual machines and provides access to vnc, serial and `qemu` monitor consoles. It has minimal dependencies, `bash` and `qemu` are needed for most of the functionality. `vms stop` uses `socat`, `vms monitor` uses `unixterm` from the `vde2` package, `vms serial` uses `minicom` and `vms vnc` needs `vncviewer`. An init script `rc.vms` is also provided with a simple mechanism for the administrator to enable booting any user's virtual machine on boot by editing `rc.vms.conf`. As a bonus two scripts are provided, `pci-stub-bind` and `vfio-bind` to ease the pain when using pci passthrough.