PCem (low-level emulator for 1980s-1990s IBM compatibles) PCem is capable of emulating a wide array of IBM-compatible computers from the 1980s through the late 1990s. PCem is, for the most part, a single-threaded process, and some CPU frequency governors may fail to reach high enough frequencies for acceptable performance in emulating the higher-end models. If the program is unexpectedly slow, consider setting the CPU frequency governor to "performance" or "schedutil" mode temporarily. Required: wxGTK3 ____________ | Building | ------------ Aside from BUILD and VERSION, the following options are available when calling pcem.SlackBuild: ALSA=yes # Use ALSA for MIDI output NETWORKING=yes # Enable network connectivity PCAP=no # Disable PCAP networking (no effect without networking) PLUGINS=yes # Build the plugin engine This SlackBuild follows the vast majority of other SlackBuilds in using the -O2 optimization flag. That being said, -O3 is the upstream default for PCem. Testing revealed no obvious performance differences, but your mileage may vary. _____________ | Rom Files | ------------- Rom files for individual models are required for emulation. These files are not included in the PCem source. Once the roms have been acquired, they should be placed in /usr/share/pcem or in the $HOME/.pcem directory for the running user: /usr/share/pcem/roms $HOME/.pcem/roms The system-wide directory is supplied by the PCem package, and the user directory is created when running PCem for the first time. The internal structure of the roms directory is non-trivial. See "README.md" after installation for a list of compatible guests, the necessary location of each rom file and technical specifications. A "pcem-roms" collection is available, but please bear in mind that although the roms within are ancient, they are also proprietary and provided without a license. The collection provides a large number of usable rom files in their proper positions within the roms directory tree. _________________________ | Configuration and Use | ------------------------- A variety of guest-specific settings are available through the GUI menu, incuding the CPU to emulate, storage devices, peripherals, etc. PCem can be configured on a per-user basis by modifying $HOME/.pcem/pcem.cfg. This file is generated automatically at the first run. Keyboard shortcuts are not configurable: Ctrl + Alt + PgDn - toggle fullscreen (enter fullscreen: mouse capture on; leave: mouse capture off) Ctrl + End - leave mouse capture in windowed mode Ctrl + Alt + PgUp - screenshot to $HOME/.pcem/screenshots To make changes to a running session (insert disks, etc.), or to create blank disk images, right-click the screen area outside of fullscreen mode and/or mouse capture.