# gnucash_core.py -- High level python wrapper classes for the core parts # of GnuCash # # Copyright (C) 2008 ParIT Worker Co-operative # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact: # Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org # # @author Mark Jenkins, ParIT Worker Co-operative # @author Jeff Green, ParIT Worker Co-operative # The following is for doxygen ## @file # @brief High level python wrapper classes for the core parts of GnuCash # @author Mark Jenkins, ParIT Worker Co-operative # @author Jeff Green, ParIT Worker Co-operative # @ingroup python_bindings import gnucash_core_c from function_class import \ ClassFromFunctions, extract_attributes_with_prefix, \ default_arguments_decorator, method_function_returns_instance, \ methods_return_instance, process_list_convert_to_instance, \ method_function_returns_instance_list, methods_return_instance_lists from gnucash_core_c import gncInvoiceLookup, gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn, \ gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot, gncEntryLookup, gncInvoiceLookup, \ gncCustomerLookup, gncVendorLookup, gncJobLookup, gncEmployeeLookup, \ gncTaxTableLookup, gncTaxTableLookupByName, gnc_search_invoice_on_id, \ gnc_search_customer_on_id, gnc_search_bill_on_id , gnc_search_vendor_on_id, \ gncInvoiceNextID, gncCustomerNextID, gncTaxTableGetTables, gncVendorNextID class GnuCashCoreClass(ClassFromFunctions): _module = gnucash_core_c def do_lookup_create_oo_instance(self, lookup_function, cls, *args): thing = lookup_function(self.get_instance(), *args) if thing != None: thing = cls(instance=thing) return thing class GnuCashBackendException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, errors): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.errors = errors class Session(GnuCashCoreClass): """A GnuCash book editing session To commit changes to the session you may need to call save, (this is always the case with the file backend). When you're down with a session you may need to call end() Every Session has a Book in the book attribute, which you'll definitely be interested in, as every GnuCash entity (Transaction, Split, Vendor, Invoice..) is associated with a particular book where it is stored. """ def __init__(self, book_uri=None, ignore_lock=False, is_new=False, force_new= False): """A convenient constructor that allows you to specify a book URI, begin the session, and load the book. This can give you the power of calling qof_session_new, qof_session_begin, and qof_session_load all in one! book_uri can be None to skip the calls to qof_session_begin and qof_session_load, or it can be a string like "file:/test.xac" qof_session_load is only called if is_new is set to False is_new is passed to qof_session_begin as the argument create, and force_new as the argument force. Is_new will create a new database or file; force will force creation even if it will destroy an existing dataset. ignore_lock is passed to qof_session_begin's argument of the same name and is used to break an existing lock on a dataset. This function can raise a GnuCashBackendException. If it does, you don't need to cleanup and call end() and destroy(), that is handled for you, and the exception is raised. """ GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self) if book_uri is not None: try: self.begin(book_uri, ignore_lock, is_new, force_new) # Take care of backend inconsistency # New xml file can't be loaded, new sql store # has to be loaded before it can be altered # Any existing store obviously has to be loaded # More background: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=726891 if book_uri[:3] != "xml" or not is_new: self.load() except GnuCashBackendException, backend_exception: self.end() self.destroy() raise def raise_backend_errors(self, called_function="qof_session function"): """Raises a GnuCashBackendException if there are outstanding QOF_BACKEND errors. set called_function to name the function that was last called """ errors = self.pop_all_errors() if errors != (): raise GnuCashBackendException( "call to %s resulted in the " "following errors, %s" % (called_function, backend_error_dict[errors[0]]), errors ) def generate_errors(self): """A generator that yields any outstanding QofBackend errors """ while self.get_error() is not ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR: error = self.pop_error() yield error def pop_all_errors(self): """Returns any accumulated qof backend errors as a tuple """ return tuple( self.generate_errors() ) # STATIC METHODS @staticmethod def raise_backend_errors_after_call(function): """A function decorator that results in a call to raise_backend_errors after execution. """ def new_function(self, *args): return_value = function(self, *args) self.raise_backend_errors(function.__name__) return return_value return new_function class Book(GnuCashCoreClass): """A Book encapsulates all of the GnuCash data, it is the place where all GnuCash entities (Transaction, Split, Vendor, Invoice...), are stored. You'll notice that all of the constructors for those entities need a book to be associated with. The most common way to get a book is through the book property in the Session class, that is, create a session that connects to some storage, such as through 'my_session = Session('file:my_books.xac')', and access the book via the book property, 'my_session.book' If you would like to create a Book without any backing storage, call the Book constructor without any parameters, 'Book()'. You can later merge such a book into a book with actual store by using merge_init. Methods of interest get_root_account -- Returns the root level Account get_table -- Returns a commodity lookup table, of type GncCommodityTable """ def InvoiceLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import Invoice return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncInvoiceLookup, Invoice, guid.get_instance() ) def EntryLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import Entr return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncEntryLookup, Entry, guid.get_instance() ) def CustomerLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import Customer return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncCustomerLookup, Customer, guid.get_instance()) def JobLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import Job return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncJobLookup, Job, guid.get_instance() ) def VendorLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import Vendor return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncVendorLookup, Vendor, guid.get_instance() ) def EmployeeLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import Employee return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncEmployeeLookup, Employee, guid.get_instance() ) def TaxTableLookup(self, guid): from gnucash_business import TaxTable return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncTaxTableLookup, TaxTable, guid.get_instance() ) def TaxTableLookupByName(self, name): from gnucash_business import TaxTable return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncTaxTableLookupByName, TaxTable, name) def TaxTableGetTables(self): from gnucash_business import TaxTable return [ TaxTable(instance=item) for item in gncTaxTableGetTables(self.instance) ] def BillLoookupByID(self, id): from gnucash_business import Bill return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gnc_search_bill_on_id, Bill, id) def InvoiceLookupByID(self, id): from gnucash_business import Invoice return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gnc_search_invoice_on_id, Invoice, id) def CustomerLookupByID(self, id): from gnucash_business import Customer return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gnc_search_customer_on_id, Customer, id) def VendorLookupByID(self, id): from gnucash_business import Vendor return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gnc_search_vendor_on_id, Vendor, id) def InvoiceNextID(self, customer): ''' Return the next invoice ID. This works but I'm not entirely happy with it. FIX ME''' from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncInvoiceNextID return gncInvoiceNextID(self.get_instance(),customer.GetEndOwner().get_instance()[1]) def BillNextID(self, vendor): ''' Return the next Bill ID. ''' from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncInvoiceNextID return gncInvoiceNextID(self.get_instance(),vendor.GetEndOwner().get_instance()[1]) def CustomerNextID(self): ''' Return the next Customer ID. ''' from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncCustomerNextID return gncCustomerNextID(self.get_instance()) def VendorNextID(self): ''' Return the next Vendor ID. ''' from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncVendorNextID return gncVendorNextID(self.get_instance()) class GncNumeric(GnuCashCoreClass): """Object used by GnuCash to store all numbers. Always consists of a numerator and denominator. The constants GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_RND_FLOOR, GNC_HOW_RND_CEIL, GNC_HOW_RND_TRUNC, GNC_HOW_RND_PROMOTE, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_DOWN, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND, GNC_HOW_RND_NEVER, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT, GNC_HOW_DENOM_REDUCE, GNC_HOW_DENOM_LCD, and GNC_HOW_DENOM_FIXED are available for arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add Look at gnc-numeric.h to see how to use these """ def __init__(self, num=0, denom=1, **kargs): """Constructor that allows you to set the numerator and denominator or leave them blank with a default value of 0 (not a good idea since there is currently no way to alter the value after instantiation) """ GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self, num, denom, **kargs) #if INSTANCE_ARG in kargs: # GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(**kargs) #else: # self.set_denom(denom) # currently undefined # self.set_num(num) # currently undefined def __unicode__(self): """Returns a human readable numeric value string as UTF8.""" if self.denom() == 0: return "Division by zero" else: value_float = self.to_double() value_str = u"{0:.{1}f}".format(value_float,2) ## The second argument is the precision. It would be nice to be able to make it configurable. return value_str def __str__(self): """returns a human readable numeric value string as bytes.""" return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') class GncPrice(GnuCashCoreClass): ''' Each priceEach price in the database represents an "instantaneous" quote for a given commodity with respect to another commodity. For example, a given price might represent the value of LNUX in USD on 2001-02-03. Fields: * commodity: the item being priced. * currency: the denomination of the value of the item being priced. * value: the value of the item being priced. * time: the time the price was valid. * source: a string describing the source of the quote. These strings will be something like this: "Finance::Quote", "user:misc", "user:foo", etc. If the quote came from a user, as a matter of policy, you *must* prefix the string you give with "user:". For now, the only other reserved values are "Finance::Quote" and "old-file-import". Any string used must be added to the source_list array in dialog-price-edit-db.c so that it can be properly translated. (There are unfortunately many strings in users' databases, so this string must be translated on output instead of always being used in untranslated form). * type: the type of quote - types possible right now are bid, ask, last, nav, and unknown.Each price in the database represents an "instantaneous" quote for a given commodity with respect to another commodity. For example, a given price might represent the value of LNUX in USD on 2001-02-03. See also http://code.gnucash.org/docs/head/group__Price.html ''' pass GncPrice.add_methods_with_prefix('gnc_price_') class GncPriceDB(GnuCashCoreClass): ''' a simple price database for gnucash. The PriceDB is intended to be a database of price quotes, or more specifically, a database of GNCPrices. For the time being, it is still a fairly simple database supporting only fairly simple queries. It is expected that new queries will be added as needed, and that there is some advantage to delaying complex queries for now in the hope that we get a real DB implementation before they're really needed. Every QofBook contains a GNCPriceDB, accessible via gnc_pricedb_get_db. Definition in file gnc-pricedb.h. See also http://code.gnucash.org/docs/head/gnc-pricedb_8h.html ''' GncPriceDB.add_methods_with_prefix('gnc_pricedb_') PriceDB_dict = { 'lookup_latest' : GncPrice, 'lookup_nearest_in_time' : GncPrice, 'lookup_latest_before' : GncPrice, 'convert_balance_latest_price' : GncNumeric, 'convert_balance_nearest_price' : GncNumeric, } methods_return_instance(GncPriceDB,PriceDB_dict) GncPriceDB.get_prices = method_function_returns_instance_list( GncPriceDB.get_prices, GncPrice ) class GncCommodity(GnuCashCoreClass): pass class GncCommodityTable(GnuCashCoreClass): """A CommodityTable provides a way to store and lookup commodities. Commodities are primarily currencies, but other tradable things such as stocks, mutual funds, and material substances are possible. Users of this library should not create their own CommodityTable, instead the get_table method from the Book class should be used. This table is automatically populated with the GnuCash default commodity's which includes most of the world's currencies. """ pass class GncCommodityNamespace(GnuCashCoreClass): pass class GncLot(GnuCashCoreClass): def GetInvoiceFromLot(self): from gnucash_business import Invoice return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot, Invoice ) class Transaction(GnuCashCoreClass): """A GnuCash Transaction Consists of at least one (generally two) splits to represent a transaction between two accounts. Has a GetImbalance() method that returns a list of all the imbalanced currencies. Each list item is a two element tuple, the first element is the imbalanced commodity, the second element is the value. Warning, the commodity.get_instance() value can be None when there is no currency set for the transaction. """ _new_instance = 'xaccMallocTransaction' def GetNthSplit(self, n): return self.GetSplitList().pop(n) def GetInvoiceFromTxn(self): from gnucash_business import Transaction return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance( gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn, Transaction ) def decorate_monetary_list_returning_function(orig_function): def new_function(self): # warning, item.commodity has been shown to be None # when the transaction doesn't have a currency return [(GncCommodity(instance=item.commodity), GncNumeric(instance=item.value)) for item in orig_function(self) ] return new_function class Split(GnuCashCoreClass): """A GnuCash Split The most basic representation of a movement of currency from one account to another. """ _new_instance = 'xaccMallocSplit' class Account(GnuCashCoreClass): """A GnuCash Account. A fundamental entity in accounting, an Account provides representation for a financial object, such as a ACCT_TYPE_BANK account, an ACCT_TYPE_ASSET (like a building), a ACCT_TYPE_LIABILITY (such as a bank loan), a summary of some type of ACCT_TYPE_EXPENSE, or a summary of some source of ACCT_TYPE_INCOME . The words in upper case are the constants that GnuCash and this library uses to describe account type. Here is the full list: ACCT_TYPE_ASSET, ACCT_TYPE_BANK, ACCT_TYPE_CASH, ACCT_TYPE_CHECKING, \ ACCT_TYPE_CREDIT, ACCT_TYPE_EQUITY, ACCT_TYPE_EXPENSE, ACCT_TYPE_INCOME, \ ACCT_TYPE_LIABILITY, ACCT_TYPE_MUTUAL, ACCT_TYPE_PAYABLE, \ ACCT_TYPE_RECEIVABLE, ACCT_TYPE_STOCK, ACCT_TYPE_ROOT, ACCT_TYPE_TRADING These are not strings, they are attributes you can import from this module """ _new_instance = 'xaccMallocAccount' class GUID(GnuCashCoreClass): _new_instance = 'guid_new_return' # Session Session.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_session_', 'new') def one_arg_default_none(function): return default_arguments_decorator(function, None, None) Session.decorate_functions(one_arg_default_none, "load", "save") Session.decorate_functions( Session.raise_backend_errors_after_call, "begin", "load", "save", "end") Session.get_book = method_function_returns_instance( Session.get_book, Book ) Session.book = property( Session.get_book ) # import all of the session backend error codes into this module this_module_dict = globals() for error_name, error_value, error_name_after_prefix in \ extract_attributes_with_prefix(gnucash_core_c, 'ERR_'): this_module_dict[ error_name ] = error_value #backend error codes used for reverse lookup backend_error_dict = {} for error_name, error_value, error_name_after_prefix in \ extract_attributes_with_prefix(gnucash_core_c, 'ERR_'): backend_error_dict[ error_value ] = error_name # GncNumeric denominator computation schemes # Used for the denom argument in arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import GNC_DENOM_AUTO # GncNumeric rounding instructions # used for the how argument in arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import \ GNC_HOW_RND_FLOOR, GNC_HOW_RND_CEIL, GNC_HOW_RND_TRUNC, \ GNC_HOW_RND_PROMOTE, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_DOWN, \ GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND, GNC_HOW_RND_NEVER # GncNumeric denominator types # used for the how argument in arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import \ GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT, GNC_HOW_DENOM_REDUCE, GNC_HOW_DENOM_LCD, \ GNC_HOW_DENOM_FIXED # import account types from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import \ ACCT_TYPE_ASSET, ACCT_TYPE_BANK, ACCT_TYPE_CASH, ACCT_TYPE_CHECKING, \ ACCT_TYPE_CREDIT, ACCT_TYPE_EQUITY, ACCT_TYPE_EXPENSE, ACCT_TYPE_INCOME, \ ACCT_TYPE_LIABILITY, ACCT_TYPE_MUTUAL, ACCT_TYPE_PAYABLE, \ ACCT_TYPE_RECEIVABLE, ACCT_TYPE_STOCK, ACCT_TYPE_ROOT, ACCT_TYPE_TRADING #Book Book.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_book_', 'new') Book.add_method('gnc_book_get_root_account', 'get_root_account') Book.add_method('gnc_book_set_root_account', 'set_root_account') Book.add_method('gnc_commodity_table_get_table', 'get_table') Book.add_method('gnc_pricedb_get_db', 'get_price_db') Book.add_method('qof_book_increment_and_format_counter', 'increment_and_format_counter') #Functions that return Account Book.get_root_account = method_function_returns_instance( Book.get_root_account, Account ) #Functions that return GncCommodityTable Book.get_table = method_function_returns_instance( Book.get_table, GncCommodityTable ) #Functions that return GNCPriceDB Book.get_price_db = method_function_returns_instance( Book.get_price_db, GncPriceDB) # GncNumeric GncNumeric.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('gnc_numeric_', 'create') gncnumeric_dict = { 'same' : GncNumeric, 'add' : GncNumeric, 'sub' : GncNumeric, 'mul' : GncNumeric, 'div' : GncNumeric, 'neg' : GncNumeric, 'abs' : GncNumeric, 'add_fixed' : GncNumeric, 'sub_fixed' : GncNumeric, 'add_with_error' : GncNumeric, 'sub_with_error' : GncNumeric, 'mul_with_error' : GncNumeric, 'div_with_error' : GncNumeric, 'convert' : GncNumeric, 'reduce' : GncNumeric } methods_return_instance(GncNumeric, gncnumeric_dict) # GncCommodity GncCommodity.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('gnc_commodity_', 'new') #Functions that return GncCommodity GncCommodity.clone = method_function_returns_instance( GncCommodity.clone, GncCommodity ) # GncCommodityTable GncCommodityTable.add_methods_with_prefix('gnc_commodity_table_') commoditytable_dict = { 'lookup' : GncCommodity, 'lookup_unique' : GncCommodity, 'find_full' : GncCommodity, 'insert' : GncCommodity, 'add_namespace': GncCommodityNamespace, 'find_namespace': GncCommodityNamespace, } methods_return_instance(GncCommodityTable, commoditytable_dict) methods_return_instance_lists( GncCommodityTable, { 'get_namespaces': GncCommodityNamespace, 'get_namespaces_list': GncCommodityNamespace, 'get_commodities': GncCommodity, 'get_quotable_commodities': GncCommodity, } ) # GncCommodityNamespace GncCommodityNamespace.add_methods_with_prefix('gnc_commodity_namespace_') GncCommodityNamespace.get_commodity_list = \ method_function_returns_instance_list( GncCommodityNamespace.get_commodity_list, GncCommodity ) # GncLot GncLot.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('gnc_lot_', 'new') gnclot_dict = { 'get_account' : Account, 'get_book' : Book, 'get_earliest_split' : Split, 'get_latest_split' : Split, 'get_balance' : GncNumeric, 'lookup' : GncLot, 'make_default' : GncLot } methods_return_instance(GncLot, gnclot_dict) # Transaction Transaction.add_methods_with_prefix('xaccTrans') Transaction.add_method('gncTransGetGUID', 'GetGUID'); trans_dict = { 'GetSplit': Split, 'FindSplitByAccount': Split, 'Clone': Transaction, 'Reverse': Transaction, 'GetReversedBy': Transaction, 'GetImbalanceValue': GncNumeric, 'GetAccountValue': GncNumeric, 'GetAccountAmount': GncNumeric, 'GetAccountConvRate': GncNumeric, 'GetAccountBalance': GncNumeric, 'GetCurrency': GncCommodity, 'GetGUID': GUID } methods_return_instance(Transaction, trans_dict) methods_return_instance_lists( Transaction, { 'GetSplitList': Split, }) Transaction.decorate_functions( decorate_monetary_list_returning_function, 'GetImbalance') # Split Split.add_methods_with_prefix('xaccSplit') Split.add_method('gncSplitGetGUID', 'GetGUID'); split_dict = { 'GetBook': Book, 'GetAccount': Account, 'GetParent': Transaction, 'Lookup': Split, 'GetOtherSplit': Split, 'GetAmount': GncNumeric, 'GetValue': GncNumeric, 'GetSharePrice': GncNumeric, 'ConvertAmount': GncNumeric, 'GetBaseValue': GncNumeric, 'GetBalance': GncNumeric, 'GetClearedBalance': GncNumeric, 'GetReconciledBalance': GncNumeric, 'VoidFormerAmount': GncNumeric, 'VoidFormerValue': GncNumeric, 'GetGUID': GUID } methods_return_instance(Split, split_dict) Split.account = property( Split.GetAccount, Split.SetAccount ) Split.parent = property( Split.GetParent, Split.SetParent ) # Account Account.add_methods_with_prefix('xaccAccount') Account.add_methods_with_prefix('gnc_account_') Account.add_method('gncAccountGetGUID', 'GetGUID'); account_dict = { 'get_book' : Book, 'Lookup' : Account, 'get_parent' : Account, 'get_root' : Account, 'nth_child' : Account, 'lookup_by_code' : Account, 'lookup_by_name' : Account, 'lookup_by_full_name' : Account, 'FindTransByDesc' : Transaction, 'FindSplitByDesc' : Split, 'GetBalance' : GncNumeric, 'GetClearedBalance' : GncNumeric, 'GetReconciledBalance' : GncNumeric, 'GetPresentBalance' : GncNumeric, 'GetProjectedMinimumBalance' : GncNumeric, 'GetBalanceAsOfDate' : GncNumeric, 'ConvertBalanceToCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'ConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate' : GncNumeric, 'GetBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'GetClearedBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'GetReconciledBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'GetPresentBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'GetProjectedMinimumBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'GetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency' : GncNumeric, 'GetBalanceChangeForPeriod' : GncNumeric, 'GetCommodity' : GncCommodity, 'GetGUID': GUID } methods_return_instance(Account, account_dict) methods_return_instance_lists( Account, { 'GetSplitList': Split, 'get_children': Account, 'get_children_sorted': Account, 'get_descendants': Account, 'get_descendants_sorted': Account }) Account.name = property( Account.GetName, Account.SetName ) #GUID GUID.add_methods_with_prefix('guid_') GUID.add_method('xaccAccountLookup', 'AccountLookup') GUID.add_method('xaccTransLookup', 'TransLookup') GUID.add_method('xaccSplitLookup', 'SplitLookup') ## define addition methods for GUID object - do we need these GUID.add_method('guid_to_string', 'to_string') #GUID.add_method('string_to_guid', 'string_to_guid') guid_dict = { 'copy' : GUID, 'TransLookup': Transaction, 'AccountLookup': Account, 'SplitLookup': Split } methods_return_instance(GUID, guid_dict) #GUIDString class GUIDString(GnuCashCoreClass): pass GUIDString.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('string_', 'to_guid') #Query from gnucash_core_c import \ QOF_QUERY_AND, \ QOF_QUERY_OR, \ QOF_QUERY_NAND, \ QOF_QUERY_NOR, \ QOF_QUERY_XOR from gnucash_core_c import \ QOF_STRING_MATCH_NORMAL, \ QOF_STRING_MATCH_CASEINSENSITIVE from gnucash_core_c import \ QOF_COMPARE_LT, \ QOF_COMPARE_LTE, \ QOF_COMPARE_EQUAL, \ QOF_COMPARE_GT, \ QOF_COMPARE_GTE, \ QOF_COMPARE_NEQ from gnucash_core_c import \ INVOICE_TYPE from gnucash_core_c import \ INVOICE_IS_PAID class Query(GnuCashCoreClass): pass Query.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'create') Query.add_method('qof_query_set_book', 'set_book') Query.add_method('qof_query_search_for', 'search_for') Query.add_method('qof_query_run', 'run') Query.add_method('qof_query_add_term', 'add_term') Query.add_method('qof_query_add_boolean_match', 'add_boolean_match') Query.add_method('qof_query_destroy', 'destroy') class QueryStringPredicate(GnuCashCoreClass): pass QueryStringPredicate.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'string_predicate') class QueryBooleanPredicate(GnuCashCoreClass): pass QueryBooleanPredicate.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'boolean_predicate') class QueryInt32Predicate(GnuCashCoreClass): pass QueryInt32Predicate.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'int32_predicate')