Description: Build html documentation without requiring data (javascript, fonts) on external websites (potential privacy breach) Author: Emmanuel Bouthenot Forwarded: not-needed Last-Update: 2016-10-06 Note: 20211018 bkw: patch modified from Debian version: instead of setting the source highlighter to 'pygments' (which isn't part of Slackware), I disabled source highlighting entirely. --- This patch header follows DEP-3: --- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if(ENABLE_MAN OR ENABLE_DOC) find_package(Asciidoctor) if(ASCIIDOCTOR_FOUND) - set(ASCIIDOCTOR_ARGS -a experimental -a "prewrap!" -a icons=font -a revnumber="${VERSION}" -a sectanchors -a source-highlighter=prettify) + set(ASCIIDOCTOR_ARGS -a experimental -a reproducible -a "prewrap!" -a "webfonts!" -a revnumber="${VERSION}" -a sectanchors -a "source-highlighter!") add_subdirectory(cs) add_subdirectory(de) add_subdirectory(en)