Seafile is a next-generation open source cloud storage system with advanced support for file syncing, privacy protection and teamwork. Collections of files are called libraries, and each library can be synced separately. A library can be encrypted with a user chosen password. This password is not stored on the server, so even the server admin cannot view a file's contents. Seafile allows users to create groups with file syncing, wiki, and discussion to enable easy collaboration around documents within a team. Note: This package conflicts with seafile-server. Install just one of them at the same time. If you want seafile-gui for some reasons with seafile-server, you don't need seafile-client. This package does not update/upgrade Seafile internal stuff. See /opt/haiwen/seafile-server/scripts/upgrade and refer to the Seafile manual: Stop your instance before upgrading this package and don't use the shell scripts from the documentation, but use `seafile` from /usr/sbin to start/stop Seafile. This package is build for personal use, not business/enterprise cases. Configuring for FCGI, MySQL, Cluster etc. you're on your own, but any suggestions are welcome.