librhtv (Turbo Vision TUI Library) This library is based on the Turbo Vision library made by Borland Corporation. That library was released by Borland under a Public Domain license. RHTVision is Borland's Turbo Vision library but with enhancements, some changes and a GPL license. Turbo Vision (TVision for short) is a TUI (Text User Interface) that implements the well known CUA widgets. With TVision you can create an intuitive text mode application, intuitive means it will have CUA like interface (check boxes, radio buttons, push buttons, input lines, pull-down menues, status bars, etc.). All the people accustomed to the Windows, MacOS, OS/2, Motif, GTK, etc. interfaces will understand the interface at first sight. Note: rhtv-config is not included in the final package, as some of its output (--dir-libs, --include) contain source directory. A custom librhtv.pc file is used.