minimal-basic (compiler for ECMA-55 Minimal BASIC) This software is a compiler for 'Minimal BASIC' as specified by the ECMA-55 standard. The target is AMD64/EM64T/x86-64 machines running a modern Linux distribution. The compiler is called ecma55, but it's normally called via wrapper scripts called BASICC, BASICCS, or BASICCW. Man pages are included for all of these commands. There's sample code in /usr/share/minimal-basic, and quite a bit of documentation in /usr/doc/minimal-basic-$VERSION, including a copy of the language standard (ECMA-55.TXT) and a complete book (Learn_BASIC.pdf). Note: This will only compile on x86_64 because it's partly written in x86_64 assembly. No way will it ever compile for 32-bit x86 (or any ARM). Even if it would build on 32-bit, it would be a cross compiler: it only generates x86_64 code, which would not be very useful on an x86 system.