Fossil is a distributed version control and ticket tracking system created by D. Richard Hipp, the primary author of SQLite. Features: - tamper-proof artifact record - simple command-line interface - customizable web interface with JSON, RSS, and built-in wiki - online project documentation with full-text search capability - online activity and ticket reports - user accounts with access controls - coherent versioning across all files - straightforward branching and merging - bisect searches to pinpoint behavior changes - SHA3-256 and hardened SHA1 checksums - FUSE filesystem makes all historical and branch revisions available - synchronization via http, https, ssh, and local/network filesystems - automated replication and backup - git import/export and Subversion/CVS import - nested checkouts to share common subtrees across related projects - checkout directory not cluttered with administrative files - support for Docker Fossil can host the entire project development website, including the download area, but it also can be used for individual projects with no need for a shared server. In addition to typical software development operations, one interesting application is coordination and auditing of /etc and other configuration files across a network of computers. Content is stored in an SQLite database for atomicity, durability, and effortless administration. See Fossil in action online: - - Fossil hosts its own development - - Fossil originally created to manage SQLite - - Tcl/Tk migrated from CVS - - Free public hosting for Fossil projects