path: root/python
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-10python/python-magic: Updated for version 0.4.15 Larry Hajali
2018-11-10python/lxml: Updated for version 4.2.5 Larry Hajali
2018-11-10python/psutil: Updated for version 5.4.8 Larry Hajali
2018-11-10python/python-dateutil: Updated for version 2.7.5 Larry Hajali
2018-11-10python/python2-sip: Update default sip dir. David Woodfall
2018-11-10python/pathlib2: Added (Object-oriented filesystem paths). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-11-10python/python-m2r: Updated for version 0.2.1. David Spencer
2018-11-10python/python-autobahn: Updated for version 18.10.1. David Spencer
2018-11-10python/Pyro4: Updated for version 4.74. Thibaut Notteboom
2018-11-10python/python-mysqlclient: Updated for version 1.3.13. Thibaut Notteboom
2018-11-10python/python-serpent: Updated for version 1.27. Thibaut Notteboom
2018-11-10python/python-requests: Updated for version 2.20.0. Thibaut Notteboom
2018-11-10python/stem: Updated for version 1.7.0. Markus Reichelt
2018-11-10python/python3-Cython: Switch homepage to https. David Spencer
2018-11-03python/pyzmq: Updated for version 17.1.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-11-03python/python3-dateutil: Updated for version 2.7.5. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-11-03python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.1.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-11-03python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.31.0. Andrew Clemons
2018-11-03python/python3-pytest: Added (simple powerful testing with Python). Serban Udrea
2018-11-03python/thonny: Updated for version 3.0.5. Tim Dickson
2018-11-03python/python3-docutils: Added (Python Document Utilities module). Tim Dickson
2018-11-03python/python3-pyserial: Added (python3 module for the serial port). Tim Dickson
2018-11-03python/mypy_extensions: Added (python extensions for mypy). Tim Dickson
2018-11-03python/mypy: Added (an optional static type checker for python). Tim Dickson
2018-11-03python/phply: Fix collision, script update. Brenton Earl
2018-11-03python/pycryptodome: Updated for version 3.7.0. Markus Rinne
2018-11-03python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.54.0. Markus Rinne
2018-11-03python/python3-kiwisolver: Added (Cassowary algorithm). Serban Udrea
2018-11-03python/functools-lru-cache: Updated for version 1.5. Serban Udrea
2018-11-03python/isort: Updated for version 4.3.4. Serban Udrea
2018-11-03python/subprocess32: Added (subprocess module). Serban Udrea
2018-10-27python/pycld2: Script clean up. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-21python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 5.1.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-21python/python-prometheus_client: Updated for version 0.4.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-21python/python3-prompt_toolkit: 2.0.6. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-21python/bleach: Updated for version 3.0.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-21python/mistune: Updated for version 0.8.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-21python/thunarx-python: Switch homepage and download to https. David Spencer
2018-10-21python/tinycss: Switch homepage to https. David Spencer
2018-10-21python/PyGithub: Switch homepage to https. David Spencer
2018-10-21python/Logbook: Switch homepage to https. David Spencer
2018-10-21python/funcsigs: Switch homepage to https. David Spencer
2018-10-13python/py: Added support python3. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-10-13python/pluggy: Added support python3. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-10-13python/more-itertools: Added support python3. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-10-13python/atomicwrites: Added support python3. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-10-13python/bleach: Updated for version 3.0.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-13python/testpath: Updated for version 0.4.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-13python/entrypoints: Add Python 3 support. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-13python/python3-prompt_toolkit: 2.0.5. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-13python/python-webencodings: Add Python 3 support. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-13python/pywal: Updated for version 3.1.0. Azure Zanculmarktum
2018-10-12python/python-nbxmpp: Added python3 support. Andrew Clemons
2018-10-06python/python2-sip: Fix previously auto-renamed files David Woodfall
2018-10-06python/scikit-learn: Updated for version 0.20.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python3-pickleshare: Updated for version 0.7.5. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/pickleshare: Updated for version 0.7.5. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 5.0.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python3-jedi: Updated for version 0.13.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python-prometheus_client: Updated for version 0.4.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/testpath: Updated for version 0.4.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python-emoji: Updated for version 0.5.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python3-prompt_toolkit: 2.0.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.0.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-10-06python/click: Updated for version 7.0. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-10-06python/josepy: Updated for version 1.1.0. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-09-29python/python2-sip: Rename sip module in accordance with newer PyQt5 David Woodfall
2018-09-23python/PythonQt: Fix build against Qt5-webkit. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-09-22python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.30.0. Andrew Clemons
2018-09-22python/python3-tornado: Updated for version 5.1.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-09-22python/click-plugins: Updated for version 1.0.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-09-22python/autopep8: Updated for version 1.4. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-09-15python/jedi: Updated for version 0.12.1. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-09-15python/python-sh: Updated for version 1.12.14 Larry Hajali
2018-09-15python/simplejson: Updated for version 3.16.1 Larry Hajali
2018-09-15python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.29.1. Andrew Clemons
2018-09-14python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml: Fixed version. David Spencer
2018-09-11python/gunicorn: Switch homepage to https. David Spencer
2018-09-10python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.53.0. Markus Rinne
2018-09-10python/python-autobahn: Updated for version 18.9.2. David Spencer
2018-09-10python/python-txaio: Updated for version 18.8.1. David Spencer
2018-09-10python/python-m2r: Updated for version 0.2.0. David Spencer
2018-09-10python/pyasn1-modules: Updated for version 0.2.2. Markus Reichelt
2018-09-10python/pyasn1: Updated for version 0.4.4. Markus Reichelt
2018-09-08python/python3: Updated for version 3.6.6. Audrius Kažukauskas
2018-09-08python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 4.9.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2018-09-08python/CANard: Added (Controller Area Network python library). Fernando Lopez Jr
2018-09-08python/python-evdev: Updated for version 1.1.2. Dugan Chen
2018-09-08python/python3-attrs: Updated for version 18.2.0. David Woodfall
2018-09-07python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.52.0. Markus Rinne
2018-09-01python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml: Updated for version 0.8.2. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2018-09-01python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.51.0. Markus Rinne
2018-09-01python/py: Updated for version 1.6.0. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-09-01python/python3-django: Updated for version 2.1.1. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-09-01python/python-certifi: Updated for version 2018.8.24. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-08-20python/pycryptodome: Updated for version 3.6.6. Markus Rinne
2018-08-20python/websocket-client: Updated for version 0.49.0. Markus Rinne
2018-08-20python/python3-pylint: Added (python code checker). Markus Rinne
2018-08-18python/astroid: Downgraded for version 1.6.5. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2018-08-18python/python3-astroid: Added (new abstract syntax tree). Markus Rinne