path: root/python
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-22python/Yapps2: Added (Yet Another Python Parser System). Fernando Lopez Jr
2020-05-22python/rst: Added (Python module). Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-22python/rst-linker: Added (routine for adding links). Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-22python/jaraco-packaging: Added (Tools for packaging). Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-22python/python3-soupsieve: Updated for version 2.0.1. Isaac Yu
2020-05-22python/python-soupsieve: Updated for version 1.9.6. Isaac Yu
2020-05-22python/BeautifulSoup4: Updated for v 4.9.1, moved from libraries. Isaac Yu
2020-05-19python/python3-multidict: Updated for version 4.7.6. Isaac Yu
2020-05-16python/python-libnacl: Updated to version 1.7.1 Larry Hajali
2020-05-16python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 5.2.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-05-16python/python-branca: Updated for version 0.4.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-05-16python/python3-pandas: Updated for version 1.0.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-05-16python/sphinx-rtd-theme: Added (decorator) Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-16python/typing-extensions: Added (Backported/Experimental Type Hints) Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-16python/vine: Added (promise, async, future) Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-16python/workbook: Added (App that creates xls reports or tables) Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-16python/xlutils: Added (utilities for working with Excel files) Prof. HORSTMANN
2020-05-16python/python3-Cython: Updated for version 0.29.17 Christoph Willing
2020-05-16python/python-toml: Updated for version 0.10.1. Markus Rinne
2020-05-15python/internetarchive: Added (CLI interface to Alan Aversa
2020-05-15python/jsonpointer: Added (Library to resolve JSON Pointers). Alan Aversa
2020-05-15python/schema: Added (Python data structures validation). Alan Aversa
2020-05-15python/contextlib2: Added (Context management). Alan Aversa
2020-05-15python/python3-seaborn: Updated for version 0.10.1. Isaac Yu
2020-05-10python/python3-astroid: Updated for version 2.4.1. Markus Rinne
2020-05-10python/python3-pylint: Updated for version 2.5.2. Markus Rinne
2020-05-10python/python3-wrapt: Updated for version 1.12.1. Markus Rinne
2020-05-10python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.14.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-05-10python/python3-pylint: Updated for version 2.5.0. Markus Rinne
2020-05-10python/python3-astroid: Updated for version 2.4.0. Markus Rinne
2020-05-03python/PyGreSQL: Updated for version 5.1.2 Christoph Willing
2020-05-03python/python3-openpyxl: Added (lib to read/write Excel 2010 files) Isaac Yu
2020-05-03python/et_xmlfile: Added (python library to create large XML files) Isaac Yu
2020-05-03python/jdcal: Added jdcal (python module to convert dates) Isaac Yu
2020-05-03python/python3-sip: Change python3 include path. Dave Woodfall
2020-05-03python/sphinxcontrib-websupport: Updated for version 1.2.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-05-03python/bleach: Updated for version 3.1.5. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-05-02python/python-configargparse: Updated for version 1.2.3. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-05-02python/python-toml: Added (A Python library). Markus Rinne
2020-05-02python/python3-aiohttp-socks: Updated for version 0.3.9. Isaac Yu
2020-05-02python/pyperclip: Updated for version 1.7.0. Brenton Earl
2020-04-24python/pytables: Removed (abandoned and not compatible with hdf5). Matteo Bernardini
2020-04-24python/python-zipp: Updated dependencies. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-24python/python3-uth: Updated for version 1.1.1. Markus Rinne
2020-04-24python/python3-setuptools_autover: Updated for version 1.0.2. Markus Rinne
2020-04-19python/python3-pyrsistent: Updated for version 0.16.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-19python/sphinxcontrib-websupport: Updated for version 1.2.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-19python/pybind11: Updated for version 2.5.0 Christoph Willing
2020-04-19python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml: Updated for version 0.18. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-04-19python/pycdio: Updated for version 0.21. Alexander Verbovetsky
2020-04-19python/asttokens: Updated for version 2.0.4. Tim Dickson
2020-04-19python/python-soupsieve: Update README. Isaac Yu
2020-04-19python/python3-soupsieve: Updated for version 1.9.5. Isaac Yu
2020-04-13python/python-jsonrpclib: Updated for version 0.4.1. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-04-13python/python-configargparse: Updated for version 1.2.1. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-04-11python/python-importlib_metadata: Updated for 1.6.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/python3-wcwidth: Updated for version 0.1.9. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/sphinxcontrib-devhelp: Updated for version 1.0.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/sphinxcontrib-qthelp: Updated for version 1.0.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml: Updated for version 1.1.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/python3-tornado: Updated for version 6.0.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/python3-jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 5.2.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/bleach: Updated for version 3.1.4. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-11python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.13.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-04-10python/python-soupsieve: Added (A CSS selector implementation). Isaac Yu
2020-04-10python/python3-soupsieve: Added (A CSS selector implementation). Isaac Yu
2020-04-05python/python3-sip: Added private sip module Dave Woodfall
2020-04-05python/python3-sip: Updated for version 4.19.20. Dave Woodfall
2020-04-05python/python2-sip: Updated for version 4.19.20. Dave Woodfall
2020-04-04python/obspy: Removed. Dave Woodfall
2020-04-04python/python-unicodedata2: Updated for version 13.0.0_2. Andrew Clemons
2020-04-04python/python3-aiohttp-socks: Updated for version 0.3.7. Isaac Yu
2020-04-01python/python3-obspy: Updated for version 1.2.1. Cristiano Urban
2020-03-28python/python3-aiohttp-socks: Updated for version 0.3.6. Isaac Yu
2020-03-28python/DVR-Scan: Added (Motion Events Detector). Fernando Lopez Jr
2020-03-21python/bleach: Updated for version 3.1.3. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-03-18python/python-configargparse: Updated for version 1.1. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-03-14python/PyGreSQL: Updated for version 5.1.1 Christoph Willing
2020-03-14python/pyewmh: Remove python2 support. orbea
2020-03-14python/python-faulthandler: Updated for version 3.2. Nick Smallbone
2020-03-14python/mypy: Updated for version 0.770. Tim Dickson
2020-03-07python/python-branca: Updated for version 0.4.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-03-07python/parso: Updated for version 0.6.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-03-07python/decorator: Updated for version 4.4.2. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-03-07python/josepy: Updated for version 1.3.0. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-03-07python/python3-statsmodels: Added (Statistical computations models). Isaac Yu
2020-03-07python/python3-patsy: Added (statistical models). Isaac Yu
2020-03-07python/python3-seaborn: Added (statistical data visualization). Isaac Yu
2020-03-04python/python3-multidict: Fix MD5SUM. Isaac Yu
2020-02-29python/bleach: Updated for version 3.1.1. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-02-29python/sphinxcontrib-websupport: Updated for version 1.2.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-02-29python/python-argopt: Updated for version 0.6.0. Andrew Clemons
2020-02-29python/python3-multidict: Updated for version 4.7.5. Isaac Yu
2020-02-24python/pycryptodomex: Updated for version 3.9.7. Markus Rinne
2020-02-24python/python3-attrs: Updated for version 19.3.0. Dave Woodfall
2020-02-24python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.12.0. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2020-02-24python/python3-ipython-sql: Added (IPython extension). Isaac Yu
2020-02-23python/python-faulthandler: Orphaned. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-02-23python/getdevinfo: Orphaned. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2020-02-21python/python-requests: Updated for version 2.23.0. Thibaut Notteboom