AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-18desktop/openbox-themes: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18desktop/obmenu: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18desktop/moka-icon-theme: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18desktop/gtk-theme-Bluebird: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18desktop/gtkhash: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18desktop/faba-icon-theme: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18audio/volumeicon: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18academic/gtypist: Updated maintainer info. Aaditya
2022-11-18network/epiphany: Updated to 43.0 Charadon
2022-11-18system/Iosevka-slab: Updated for version 16.3.6 Eugene M
2022-11-18system/Iosevka: Updated for version 16.3.6 Eugene M
2022-11-18development/ghidra: Updated for version 10.2.1 Ebben Aries
2022-11-18system/targetcli-fb: Updated for version 2.1.54. Marek Wodzinski
2022-11-18academic/root: update v6.26.10 Andrei Rabusov
2022-11-12Public www update: Sat Nov 12 15:34:06 UTC 2022.15.0-20221112.1 Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2022-11-12development/universal-ctags: Updated for version p5.9.20221106.0 Eugen Wissner
2022-11-12system/xbindkeys: Add guile2.2 as required. Erik Hanson
2022-11-12academic/octave: Updated for version 7.3.0 Kyle Guinn
2022-11-12python/python-libtmux: Removed (renamed python3-libtmux). fourtysixandtwo
2022-11-12python/python-mediafile: Removed (renamed python3-mediafile). fourtysixandtwo
2022-11-12python/python-confuse: Removed (renamed python3-confuse). fourtysixandtwo
2022-11-12development/cycler: Removed (renamed python2-cycler). Serban Udrea
2022-11-12academic/MetaPhlAn2: Fix ARCH and deps. Serban Udrea
2022-11-12libraries/matplotlib: Removed (renamed python2-matplotlib). Serban Udrea
2022-11-12development/numpy3: Removed (renamed python3-numpy). Christoph Willing
2022-11-12development/numpy: Removed (renamed python2-numpy). Serban Udrea
2022-11-12academic/scipy3: Removed (renamed python3-scipy). Serban Udrea
2022-11-12academic/scipy: Removed (renamed python2-scipy). Serban Udrea
2022-11-12libraries/lilv: Fix deps. Matteo Bernardini
2022-11-12python/scikit-learn: Fix deps. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12python/python3-obspy: Fix deps. Cristiano Urban
2022-11-12gis/python3-cartopy: Fix deps. ArTourter
2022-11-12academic/getfem: Fix deps. Fellype do Nascimento
2022-11-12graphics/xdot: Fix deps. Kyle Guinn
2022-11-12libraries/vmaf: Fix deps. Vijay Marcel
2022-11-12academic/veusz: Fix deps. Fellype do Nascimento
2022-11-12libraries/spglib: Fix deps. Giancarlo Dessì
2022-11-12academic/root: Fix deps. Andrei Rabusov
2022-11-12system/razerCommander: Fix deps. M.Dinslage
2022-11-12gis/rasterio: Fix deps. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2022-11-12gis/qgis: Fix deps. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2022-11-12python/python3-pythran: Fix deps. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12python/python3-patsy: Fix deps. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12python/python3-pandas: Fix deps. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12python/python3-h5py: Fix deps. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12gis/python3-cftime: Fix deps. ArTourter
2022-11-12gis/python-pygeos: Fix deps. ArTourter
2022-11-12office/pyspread: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12python/pygsl: Fix deps. Fellype do Nascimento
2022-11-12academic/pyCRAC: Fix deps. Rob van Nues
2022-11-12academic/petsc: Fix deps. Fellype do Nascimento
2022-11-12system/openrazer-daemon: Fix deps. M.Dinslage
2022-11-12python/numexpr: Fix deps. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2022-11-12graphics/mypaint: Fix deps. Klaatu
2022-11-12gis/grass: Fix deps. David Spencer
2022-11-12development/gnuradio: Fix deps. Panagiotis Nikolaou
2022-11-12games/endgame-singularity: Fix deps. CRTS
2022-11-12python/DVR-Scan: Fix deps. Fernando Lopez Jr
2022-11-12graphics/Blender: Fix deps. Christoph Willing
2022-11-12python/statsmodels: Fix deps. R. S. Ananda Murthy
2022-11-12gis/pytrainer: Fix deps. Kyle Guinn
2022-11-12development/tstoolbox: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12python/statsmodels: Fix deps. R. S. Ananda Murthy
2022-11-12academic/Kst: Fix deps. Fellype do Nascimento
2022-11-12python/snuggs: Fix deps. Benjamin Trigona-Harany
2022-11-12python/scikit-umfpack: Fix deps. Pr. HORSTMANN
2022-11-12python/pyta-lib: Fix deps. Tushar Jagad
2022-11-12libraries/pykdtree: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12graphics/pyformex: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12academic/pyfits: Fix deps. Nicky Chorley
2022-11-12academic/patsy: Fix deps. R. S. Ananda Murthy
2022-11-12development/pandas: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12academic/mathics: Fix deps. David Melik
2022-11-12graphics/inkscape: Fix deps. Fernando Lopez Jr
2022-11-12academic/cistrome-mdseqpos: Fix deps. Petar Petrov
2022-11-12academic/biopython: Fix deps. Petar Petrov
2022-11-12multimedia/aces-dev: Fix deps. Klaatu
2022-11-12network/RYMTracks: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12libraries/PySoundCard: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12academic/PyAMG: Fix deps. Alexander Bruy
2022-11-12development/Bottleneck: Fix deps. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12system/slpkg: Updated for version 4.2.8. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12python/colored: Updated for version 1.4.4. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12games/pychess: Fixed script. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2022-11-12graphics/vuescan: Updated MD5SUMs. Andrew Clemons
2022-11-12audio/qpwgraph: Updated for version 0.3.7. С. С. Болоканаръ
2022-11-12python/certbot-dns-cloudflare: Updated for version 1.31.0. С. С. Болоканаръ
2022-11-12python/python3-cloudflare: Updated for version 2.10.3. С. С. Болоканаръ
2022-11-12python/python3-h5py: Remove build optimization. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12python/yarl: Updated for version 1.8.1. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12network/signal-desktop: Updated for version 5.63.1. ArTourter
2022-11-12academic/R: Updated for version 4.2.2. afhpayne
2022-11-12system/libratbag: Updated for version 0.17. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12system/swtpm: Updated for version 0.8.0. K. Eugene Carlson
2022-11-12python/aiosignal: Updated for version 1.3.1. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12development/bazel: Updated for version 5.3.2. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12development/tkdiff: Updated for version 5.6. Duncan Roe
2022-11-12development/jupyter-ipykernel: Updated for version 6.17.1. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12development/jupyterlab_server: Updated for version 2.16.2. Isaac Yu
2022-11-12development/jupyter_server: Updated for version 1.23.1. Isaac Yu