path: root/audio/distrho-ports/README
blob: 4f19318d2d542dde5d3ee3c1fac4e042c43e5295 (plain)
This pack contains several open source audio plugins that Faltx (of KXStudio) ported to Linux. It includes: 

Arctican filters
Dexed DX7 Emulator
Nekobi TB-303 clone
DRowAudio filters
EasySSP visualiser
Juced Drum Synth and EQ
Klangfalter audio convolutor
Luftikus EQ
Obxd OB-X emulator
Pitched Delay filter
TAL Dub-3, Filter, NoiseMaker, Reverb, and Vocoder
Vex 3 oscillator subtractive waverom synth
wolpertinger subtractive synth

LV2 and Linux-native VST plugins are installed. 

To exclude VST:
VST=no ./distrho-ports.SlackBuild

or the other:
LV2=no ./distrho-ports.SlackBuild