univga-font (unicode terminal font) UNI-VGA is a Unicode VGA font for X11 and console. It is primarily intended to be the single source of fonts for console and for XDosEmu. One of the aims while creating the font was its internal consistency. For example, accented glyphs shouldn't differ too much from unaccented ones, as it was in original IBM's VGA font. It also allowed to render Latin Extended Additional glyphs with two accents, which was impossible with IBM's accents' size. X11 calls the font: -bolkhov-vga-medium-r-normal--16-160-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1 ...and an alias called "univga" is added, so you can say e.g.: xterm -fn univga Also 3 varieties of the font are installed for use with the Linux console: AsianCyr-vga-8x16, WinCyr-vga-8x16, and UniCyrX-vga-8x16. They can be used in /etc/rc.d/rc.font, but won't show up in the setconsolefont menu.