#!/bin/sh # Create source tarball from git repo, with generated version # number. We don't include the git history in the tarball. # Note that this script doesn't need to be run as root. It does # need to be able to write to the current directory it's run from. PRGNAM=ipxnet CLONE_URL=https://github.com/intangir/$PRGNAM.git set -e GITDIR=$( mktemp -dt $PRGNAM.git.XXXXXX ) rm -rf $GITDIR git clone $CLONE_URL $GITDIR CWD="$( pwd )" cd $GITDIR VERSION=$( git log --date=format:%Y%m%d --pretty=format:%cd.%h -n1 ) rm -rf .git find . -name .gitignore -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f cd "$CWD" rm -rf $PRGNAM-$VERSION $PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz mv $GITDIR $PRGNAM-$VERSION tar cvfJ $PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz $PRGNAM-$VERSION cat <