ffmpeg4 (Software to record, convert and stream audio and video). ffmpeg4 should be installable alongside ffmpeg 3.x without conflict. FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. By default it will not build the ffmpeg binaries or man-pages, in order not to conflict with an ffmpeg 3.x package. You can change this by using the following environment variable setting: BINS=yes It can optionally link to a number of extra libraries that are available on SBo by setting the relevant env vars, which all default to "no": CHROMAPRINT=yes # requires chromaprint DECKLINK=yes # requires decklink-sdk FREI0R=yes # requires frei0r LADSPA=yes # requires ladspa_sdk LIBBLURAY=yes # requires libbluray LIBBS2B=yes # requires libbs2b LIBCELT=yes # requires celt LIBDC1394=yes # requires libdc1394 LIBFDK_AAC=yes # requires libfdk-aac (non-redistributable) LIBFLITE=yes # requires flite LIBGME=yes # requires libgme LIBGSM=yes # requires gsm LIBIEC61883=yes # requires libiec61883 and libavc1394 LIBILBC=yes # requires libilbc LIBMODPLUG=yes # requires libmodplug LIBMP3LAME=yes # requires lame LIBOPENCORE=yes # requires opencore-amr LIBOPENCV=yes # requires opencv LIBOPUS=yes # requires opus LIBRTMP=yes # requires rtmpdump LIBRUBBERBAND=yes # requires rubberband LIBSNAPPY=yes # requires snappy LIBSPEEX=yes # requires speex LIBTESSERACT=yes # requires tesseract LIBTWOLAME=yes # requires twolame LIBVIDSTAB=yes # requires vid.stab LIBWEBP=yes # requires libwebp LIBX264=yes # requires x264 LIBX265=yes # requires x265 LIBXVID=yes # requires xvidcore LIBZMQ=yes # requires zeromq LIBZVBI=yes # requires zvbi By default, ffmpeg4 is built to link with openssl. This creates a non- redistributable binary (just like linking with libfdk-aac does). If you want a redistributable binary you can change from linking with openssl to linking with gnutls instead by setting: OPENSSL=no GNUTLS=yes Both of these libraries are available in Slackware itself. There are a few other libraries available in Slackware that are also linked to by default, and you can disable them by changing the default of "yes" to "no" with the following settings: LIBCACA=no LIBCDIO=no LIBFONTCONFIG=no LIBFREETYPE=no LIBFRIBIDI=no LIBOPENJPEG=no LIBPULSE=no LIBSMBCLIENT=no LIBSSH=no LIBTHEORA=no LIBV4L2=no LIBVORBIS=no LIBVPX=no LIBWAVPACK=no OPENGL=no To link to this version of the ffmpeg libraries, you'll need to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to "/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/ffmpeg4/pkgconfig" where ${LIBDIRSUFFIX} is either 64 or an empty string, depending on your architecture.