Contributed font set for FIGlet This font distribution includes several fonts which were automatically derived from other formats, and which are optionally installed by this SlackBuild script. To install the C64-derived fonts pass C64=yes to the SlackBuild script. This will replace the default computer, gothic and roman fonts with versions derived from C64 programs. To install the BDF-derived fonts pass BDF=yes to the SlackBuild script. Obanner is the font of banner(6), the ubiquitous UN*X command by Mark Horton. The default behavior is to install the Obanner font in sizes 16, 24, 36, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 132. To install font sizes 1-132 (though sizes 1-15 are almost certainly useless), pass OBANNER_ALL=yes to the SlackBuild script.