The programs part of the Staden package provide an excellent and fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly, editing, analysis and more. Some of its features include: * GAP4: Performs assembly, contig joining, assembly checking, repeat search, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. * GAP5: The new development version of Gap4, designed to work with large volumes of data attainable through the newer sequencing technologies. * PREGAP4: Provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or analysis. * SPIN: Compares pairs of sequences in many ways, often presenting its results graphically and has a sliding sequence window linked to the plots. * TREV: A rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF or SCF trace files. NOTE: Xfce submenus For XFCE, if you want to have the menu entries grouped in a submenu folder (multilevel menu entry), do: SUBMENU="YES" ./staden.SlackBuild NOTE: Staden and EMBOSS: Staden used to provide a GUI for (at least part of) the programs from EMBOSS. To give it a try, run this after install (of course you need to have installed EMBOSS, too): create_emboss_files This will create some files in: /usr/share/staden/tcl/spin_emboss/acdtcl/ CITING For more information and citing, visit Staden's web page and check the "References" file in the documentation.