path: root/python
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-17python/python3-psycopg2: updated for version 2.9.7 Arn0
2023-08-17python/python3-dnspython: updated for version 2.4.2 Arn0
2023-08-12python/httplib2: Removed (splitted in python2/3 scripts). Matteo Bernardini
2023-08-12python/google-api-python-client: Change the dep to python2-httplib2. Matteo Bernardini
2023-08-12python/pybind11: Update README Christoph Willing
2023-08-12python/python3-identify: Added (file identification). Andrew Clemons
2023-08-12python/python3-cfgv: Added (configuration validation). Andrew Clemons
2023-08-12python/python3-bcrypt: Fix URLs. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2023-08-12python/cryptography: Fix URLs. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2023-08-05python/pytest: Updated dependencies. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2023-08-05python/pathlib2: Removed (split to python2 and python3). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2023-08-05python/python3-lz4: Updated for version 4.3.2. Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/artifacts: Updated for version 20230413. Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/XlsxWriter: Updated for version 3.1.2. Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/dpkt: Updated for version 1.9.8. Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/dfwinreg: Updated for version 20221218. Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/python-mysql-replication: Updated for version 0.43.0. Andrew Clemons
2023-08-05python/python3-dkimpy: Updated for version 1.1.5. Arn0
2023-08-05python/python2-httplib3: Added (python http library). Matteo Bernardini
2023-08-05python/python2-httplib2: Added (python http library). Matteo Bernardini
2023-08-05python/dfvfs: Update DEP. Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/acstore: Added (Attribute Container storage writer/reader). Barry J. Grundy
2023-08-05python/plaso: Updated for version 20230717. Barry J. Grundy
2023-07-29python/colored: Updated for version 2.2.3. Dimitris Zlatanidis
2023-07-29python/python3-dnspython: updated for version 2.4.1 Arn0
2023-07-29python/xattr: Updated for version 0.10.1. Barry J. Grundy
2023-07-29python/dfvfs: Updated for version 20230531. Barry J. Grundy
2023-07-29python/python3-mailman: Added (GNU Mailing List Manager). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-falcon: Aded (Falcon Web Framework). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-aiosmtpd: Added (asyncio based SMTP server). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-flufl.lock: Added (NFS-safe file locking). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-flufl.i18n: Added (Python module). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-pdm-pep517: Added (Python module). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-flufl.bounce: Added (Email Bounce Detectors). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-atpublic: Added (Python module). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-lazr.config: Added (Python module) Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-lazr.delegates: Added (Python module). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-authheaders: Added (email authentication header). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-publicsuffix2: Added (Python Module). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-authres: Added (Authentication Header Module). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-dkimpy: Added (DKIM library). =Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-29python/python3-pathlib2: Added (Object-oriented FS paths). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2023-07-29python/python2-pathlib2: Added (Object-oriented FS paths). Dimitris Zlatanidis
2023-07-28python/dfdatetime: Updated for version 20230506. Barry J. Grundy
2023-07-28python/pytsk: Updated for version 20230125. Barry J. Grundy
2023-07-28python/dtfabric: Updated for version 20230520. Barry J. Grundy
2023-07-25python/python3-configargparse: Updated for version 1.7. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2023-07-25python/python3-cairocffi: updated for version 1.6.1 Arn0
2023-07-25python/pycryptodomex: Updated for version 3.18.0. Markus Rinne
2023-07-25python/typed_ast: Updated for version 1.5.5. Markus Rinne
2023-07-25python/objgraph: Updated for version 3.6.0. Markus Rinne
2023-07-25python/python-fonttools: Fix circular loop. Vijay Marcel
2023-07-22python/pypy3: Fix 32bit md5sum. Arn0
2023-07-22python/pypy: Fix 32bit md5sum. Arn0
2023-07-21python/python3-aiohttp: Updated for version 3.8.5. Jay Lanagan
2023-07-21python/python3-pyjwt: updated for version 2.8.0 Arn0
2023-07-18python/python3-ZODB: updated for version 5.8.1 Arn0
2023-07-18python/doit: Update DEP. Giancarlo Dessì
2023-07-17python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 4.39.4. Vijay Marcel
2023-07-17python/python3-dnspython: updated for version 2.4.0 Arn0
2023-07-15python/python3-sge: Updated for version 2.0.2. B. Watson
2023-07-15python/python3-pystache: Added (Mustache in Python). Lockywolf
2023-07-15python/python3-frozenlist: Updated for version 1.4.0. Jay Lanagan
2023-07-14python/python3-qbittorrent-api: Version bump to 2023.7.52 Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-14python/python3-pdm-backend: Version bump to 2.1.4 Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-14python/python3-dogpile.cache: Version bump to 1.2.2 Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-14python/python3-configargparse: Updated for version 1.5.5. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2023-07-10python/python3-BTrees: Added (Scalable persistent object container). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-10python/pycryptopp: Removed, python2, unrequired. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2023-07-10python/python3-ZODB: fixed Arn0
2023-07-09python/pyutil: Removed, python2, unrequired Arn0
2023-07-09python/shutilwhich: Removed, python2, unrequired Arn0
2023-07-09python/characteristic: Removed, python2, unrequired Arn0
2023-07-09python/python3-prompt_toolkit: updated for version 3.0.39 Arn0
2023-07-09python/python3-ZEO: updated for version 5.4.1 Arn0
2023-07-08python/pyresample: Fix broken symlink in doc dir. B. Watson
2023-07-08python/python3-tox: Updated for version 4.6.4. Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-08python/python3-pyproject-api: Updated for version 1.5.3. Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-08python/python3-lazy_loader: Updated for version 0.3. Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-08python/python3-soxr: Fix builds on i686 and arm. Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-08python/python2-enlighten: Added (progress bar). Samuel Young
2023-07-08python/python3-openstep-plist: Added (ASCII plist parser). Vijay Marcel
2023-07-08python/python3-xkeysnail: Added (keyboard remapping tool). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-08python/python3-transaction: Added (transaction management). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-08python/python3-solidpython: Added (python solid modelling). Lockywolf
2023-07-08python/python3-ply: Added (python lex-yacc). Lockywolf
2023-07-08python/python3-euclid3: Added (geometry module). Lockywolf
2023-07-08python/python3-xmldiff: Added (cli xml diff). Vijay Marcel
2023-07-08python/python3-tvdbsimple: Added (progress bar). Jeremy Hansen
2023-07-08python/python3-enlighten: Added (progress bar). Samuel Young
2023-07-08python/python3-uri_template: Updated md5sum, project name. Andrew Clemons
2023-07-08python/python3-uharfbuzz: Fix github tarball handling. Andrew Clemons
2023-07-08python/python3-ufolib2: Fix github tarball handling. Andrew Clemons
2023-07-08python/python3-colorlog: Fix github tarball handling. Andrew Clemons
2023-07-08python/pyta-lib: Updated md5sum, project name. Andrew Clemons
2023-07-08python/ttfautohint-py: Added (Python bindings for ttfautohint). Vijay Marcel
2023-07-08python/python3-PyMuPDF: Update README. Alexander Verbovetsky
2023-07-08python/python3-ZEO: Added (Single-server client-server DB for ZODB). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-08python/python3-zdaemon: Added (Daemon process control library). Yth - Arnaud
2023-07-08python/python3-ZODB: Added (Python object-oriented database). Yth - Arnaud