path: root/office/gnucash/missing-py/
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-# -- High level python wrapper classes for the core parts
-# of GnuCash
-# Copyright (C) 2008 ParIT Worker Co-operative <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, contact:
-# Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-# @author Mark Jenkins, ParIT Worker Co-operative <>
-# @author Jeff Green, ParIT Worker Co-operative <>
-# The following is for doxygen
-## @file
-# @brief High level python wrapper classes for the core parts of GnuCash
-# @author Mark Jenkins, ParIT Worker Co-operative <>
-# @author Jeff Green, ParIT Worker Co-operative <>
-# @ingroup python_bindings
-import gnucash_core_c
-from function_class import \
- ClassFromFunctions, extract_attributes_with_prefix, \
- default_arguments_decorator, method_function_returns_instance, \
- methods_return_instance, process_list_convert_to_instance, \
- method_function_returns_instance_list, methods_return_instance_lists
-from gnucash_core_c import gncInvoiceLookup, gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn, \
- gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot, gncEntryLookup, gncInvoiceLookup, \
- gncCustomerLookup, gncVendorLookup, gncJobLookup, gncEmployeeLookup, \
- gncTaxTableLookup, gncTaxTableLookupByName, gnc_search_invoice_on_id, \
- gnc_search_customer_on_id, gnc_search_bill_on_id , gnc_search_vendor_on_id, \
- gncInvoiceNextID, gncCustomerNextID, gncTaxTableGetTables, gncVendorNextID
-class GnuCashCoreClass(ClassFromFunctions):
- _module = gnucash_core_c
- def do_lookup_create_oo_instance(self, lookup_function, cls, *args):
- thing = lookup_function(self.get_instance(), *args)
- if thing != None:
- thing = cls(instance=thing)
- return thing
-class GnuCashBackendException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, msg, errors):
- Exception.__init__(self, msg)
- self.errors = errors
-class Session(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """A GnuCash book editing session
- To commit changes to the session you may need to call save,
- (this is always the case with the file backend).
- When you're down with a session you may need to call end()
- Every Session has a Book in the book attribute, which you'll definitely
- be interested in, as every GnuCash entity (Transaction, Split, Vendor,
- Invoice..) is associated with a particular book where it is stored.
- """
- def __init__(self, book_uri=None, ignore_lock=False, is_new=False,
- force_new= False):
- """A convenient constructor that allows you to specify a book URI,
- begin the session, and load the book.
- This can give you the power of calling
- qof_session_new, qof_session_begin, and qof_session_load all in one!
- book_uri can be None to skip the calls to qof_session_begin and
- qof_session_load, or it can be a string like "file:/test.xac"
- qof_session_load is only called if is_new is set to False
- is_new is passed to qof_session_begin as the argument create,
- and force_new as the argument force. Is_new will create a new
- database or file; force will force creation even if it will
- destroy an existing dataset.
- ignore_lock is passed to qof_session_begin's argument of the
- same name and is used to break an existing lock on a dataset.
- This function can raise a GnuCashBackendException. If it does,
- you don't need to cleanup and call end() and destroy(), that is handled
- for you, and the exception is raised.
- """
- GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self)
- if book_uri is not None:
- try:
- self.begin(book_uri, ignore_lock, is_new, force_new)
- # Take care of backend inconsistency
- # New xml file can't be loaded, new sql store
- # has to be loaded before it can be altered
- # Any existing store obviously has to be loaded
- # More background:
- if book_uri[:3] != "xml" or not is_new:
- self.load()
- except GnuCashBackendException, backend_exception:
- self.end()
- self.destroy()
- raise
- def raise_backend_errors(self, called_function="qof_session function"):
- """Raises a GnuCashBackendException if there are outstanding
- QOF_BACKEND errors.
- set called_function to name the function that was last called
- """
- errors = self.pop_all_errors()
- if errors != ():
- raise GnuCashBackendException(
- "call to %s resulted in the "
- "following errors, %s" % (called_function, backend_error_dict[errors[0]]),
- errors )
- def generate_errors(self):
- """A generator that yields any outstanding QofBackend errors
- """
- while self.get_error() is not ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR:
- error = self.pop_error()
- yield error
- def pop_all_errors(self):
- """Returns any accumulated qof backend errors as a tuple
- """
- return tuple( self.generate_errors() )
- @staticmethod
- def raise_backend_errors_after_call(function):
- """A function decorator that results in a call to
- raise_backend_errors after execution.
- """
- def new_function(self, *args):
- return_value = function(self, *args)
- self.raise_backend_errors(function.__name__)
- return return_value
- return new_function
-class Book(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """A Book encapsulates all of the GnuCash data, it is the place where
- all GnuCash entities (Transaction, Split, Vendor, Invoice...), are
- stored. You'll notice that all of the constructors for those entities
- need a book to be associated with.
- The most common way to get a book is through the book property in the
- Session class, that is, create a session that connects to some storage,
- such as through 'my_session = Session('file:my_books.xac')', and access
- the book via the book property, ''
- If you would like to create a Book without any backing storage, call the
- Book constructor without any parameters, 'Book()'. You can later merge
- such a book into a book with actual store by using merge_init.
- Methods of interest
- get_root_account -- Returns the root level Account
- get_table -- Returns a commodity lookup table, of type GncCommodityTable
- """
- def InvoiceLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import Invoice
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncInvoiceLookup, Invoice, guid.get_instance() )
- def EntryLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import Entr
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncEntryLookup, Entry, guid.get_instance() )
- def CustomerLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import Customer
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncCustomerLookup, Customer, guid.get_instance())
- def JobLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import Job
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncJobLookup, Job, guid.get_instance() )
- def VendorLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import Vendor
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncVendorLookup, Vendor, guid.get_instance() )
- def EmployeeLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import Employee
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncEmployeeLookup, Employee, guid.get_instance() )
- def TaxTableLookup(self, guid):
- from gnucash_business import TaxTable
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncTaxTableLookup, TaxTable, guid.get_instance() )
- def TaxTableLookupByName(self, name):
- from gnucash_business import TaxTable
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncTaxTableLookupByName, TaxTable, name)
- def TaxTableGetTables(self):
- from gnucash_business import TaxTable
- return [ TaxTable(instance=item) for item in gncTaxTableGetTables(self.instance) ]
- def BillLoookupByID(self, id):
- from gnucash_business import Bill
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gnc_search_bill_on_id, Bill, id)
- def InvoiceLookupByID(self, id):
- from gnucash_business import Invoice
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gnc_search_invoice_on_id, Invoice, id)
- def CustomerLookupByID(self, id):
- from gnucash_business import Customer
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gnc_search_customer_on_id, Customer, id)
- def VendorLookupByID(self, id):
- from gnucash_business import Vendor
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gnc_search_vendor_on_id, Vendor, id)
- def InvoiceNextID(self, customer):
- ''' Return the next invoice ID.
- This works but I'm not entirely happy with it. FIX ME'''
- from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncInvoiceNextID
- return gncInvoiceNextID(self.get_instance(),customer.GetEndOwner().get_instance()[1])
- def BillNextID(self, vendor):
- ''' Return the next Bill ID. '''
- from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncInvoiceNextID
- return gncInvoiceNextID(self.get_instance(),vendor.GetEndOwner().get_instance()[1])
- def CustomerNextID(self):
- ''' Return the next Customer ID. '''
- from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncCustomerNextID
- return gncCustomerNextID(self.get_instance())
- def VendorNextID(self):
- ''' Return the next Vendor ID. '''
- from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import gncVendorNextID
- return gncVendorNextID(self.get_instance())
-class GncNumeric(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """Object used by GnuCash to store all numbers. Always consists of a
- numerator and denominator.
- The constants GNC_DENOM_AUTO,
- and GNC_HOW_DENOM_FIXED are available for arithmetic
- functions like GncNumeric.add
- Look at gnc-numeric.h to see how to use these
- """
- def __init__(self, num=0, denom=1, **kargs):
- """Constructor that allows you to set the numerator and denominator or
- leave them blank with a default value of 0 (not a good idea since there
- is currently no way to alter the value after instantiation)
- """
- GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self, num, denom, **kargs)
- #if INSTANCE_ARG in kargs:
- # GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(**kargs)
- #else:
- # self.set_denom(denom) # currently undefined
- # self.set_num(num) # currently undefined
- def __unicode__(self):
- """Returns a human readable numeric value string as UTF8."""
- if self.denom() == 0:
- return "Division by zero"
- else:
- value_float = self.to_double()
- value_str = u"{0:.{1}f}".format(value_float,2) ## The second argument is the precision. It would be nice to be able to make it configurable.
- return value_str
- def __str__(self):
- """returns a human readable numeric value string as bytes."""
- return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
-class GncPrice(GnuCashCoreClass):
- '''
- Each priceEach price in the database represents an "instantaneous"
- quote for a given commodity with respect to another commodity.
- For example, a given price might represent the value of LNUX in USD on 2001-02-03.
- Fields:
- * commodity: the item being priced.
- * currency: the denomination of the value of the item being priced.
- * value: the value of the item being priced.
- * time: the time the price was valid.
- * source: a string describing the source of the quote. These strings will be something like this:
- "Finance::Quote", "user:misc", "user:foo", etc. If the quote came from a user, as a matter of policy,
- you *must* prefix the string you give with "user:". For now, the only other reserved values are
- "Finance::Quote" and "old-file-import". Any string used must be added to the source_list array in
- dialog-price-edit-db.c so that it can be properly translated. (There are unfortunately many strings
- in users' databases, so this string must be translated on output instead of always being used in untranslated form).
- * type: the type of quote - types possible right now are bid, ask, last, nav, and
- unknown.Each price in the database represents an "instantaneous" quote for a given
- commodity with respect to another commodity.
- For example, a given price might represent the value of LNUX in USD on 2001-02-03.
- See also
- '''
- pass
-class GncPriceDB(GnuCashCoreClass):
- '''
- a simple price database for gnucash.
- The PriceDB is intended to be a database of price quotes, or more specifically,
- a database of GNCPrices. For the time being, it is still a fairly simple
- database supporting only fairly simple queries. It is expected that new
- queries will be added as needed, and that there is some advantage to delaying
- complex queries for now in the hope that we get a real DB implementation
- before they're really needed.
- Every QofBook contains a GNCPriceDB, accessible via gnc_pricedb_get_db.
- Definition in file gnc-pricedb.h.
- See also
- '''
-PriceDB_dict = {
- 'lookup_latest' : GncPrice,
- 'lookup_nearest_in_time' : GncPrice,
- 'lookup_latest_before' : GncPrice,
- 'convert_balance_latest_price' : GncNumeric,
- 'convert_balance_nearest_price' : GncNumeric,
- }
-GncPriceDB.get_prices = method_function_returns_instance_list(
- GncPriceDB.get_prices, GncPrice )
-class GncCommodity(GnuCashCoreClass): pass
-class GncCommodityTable(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """A CommodityTable provides a way to store and lookup commodities.
- Commodities are primarily currencies, but other tradable things such as
- stocks, mutual funds, and material substances are possible.
- Users of this library should not create their own CommodityTable, instead
- the get_table method from the Book class should be used.
- This table is automatically populated with the GnuCash default commodity's
- which includes most of the world's currencies.
- """
- pass
-class GncCommodityNamespace(GnuCashCoreClass):
- pass
-class GncLot(GnuCashCoreClass):
- def GetInvoiceFromLot(self):
- from gnucash_business import Invoice
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot, Invoice )
-class Transaction(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """A GnuCash Transaction
- Consists of at least one (generally two) splits to represent a transaction
- between two accounts.
- Has a GetImbalance() method that returns a list of all the imbalanced
- currencies. Each list item is a two element tuple, the first element is
- the imbalanced commodity, the second element is the value.
- Warning, the commodity.get_instance() value can be None when there
- is no currency set for the transaction.
- """
- _new_instance = 'xaccMallocTransaction'
- def GetNthSplit(self, n):
- return self.GetSplitList().pop(n)
- def GetInvoiceFromTxn(self):
- from gnucash_business import Transaction
- return self.do_lookup_create_oo_instance(
- gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromTxn, Transaction )
-def decorate_monetary_list_returning_function(orig_function):
- def new_function(self):
- # warning, item.commodity has been shown to be None
- # when the transaction doesn't have a currency
- return [(GncCommodity(instance=item.commodity),
- GncNumeric(instance=item.value))
- for item in orig_function(self) ]
- return new_function
-class Split(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """A GnuCash Split
- The most basic representation of a movement of currency from one account to
- another.
- """
- _new_instance = 'xaccMallocSplit'
-class Account(GnuCashCoreClass):
- """A GnuCash Account.
- A fundamental entity in accounting, an Account provides representation
- for a financial object, such as a ACCT_TYPE_BANK account, an
- ACCT_TYPE_ASSET (like a building),
- a ACCT_TYPE_LIABILITY (such as a bank loan), a summary of some type of
- ACCT_TYPE_EXPENSE, or a summary of some source of ACCT_TYPE_INCOME .
- The words in upper case are the constants that GnuCash and this library uses
- to describe account type. Here is the full list:
- These are not strings, they are attributes you can import from this
- module
- """
- _new_instance = 'xaccMallocAccount'
-class GUID(GnuCashCoreClass):
- _new_instance = 'guid_new_return'
-# Session
-Session.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_session_', 'new')
-def one_arg_default_none(function):
- return default_arguments_decorator(function, None, None)
-Session.decorate_functions(one_arg_default_none, "load", "save")
-Session.decorate_functions( Session.raise_backend_errors_after_call,
- "begin", "load", "save", "end")
-Session.get_book = method_function_returns_instance(
- Session.get_book, Book )
- = property( Session.get_book )
-# import all of the session backend error codes into this module
-this_module_dict = globals()
-for error_name, error_value, error_name_after_prefix in \
- extract_attributes_with_prefix(gnucash_core_c, 'ERR_'):
- this_module_dict[ error_name ] = error_value
-#backend error codes used for reverse lookup
-backend_error_dict = {}
-for error_name, error_value, error_name_after_prefix in \
- extract_attributes_with_prefix(gnucash_core_c, 'ERR_'):
- backend_error_dict[ error_value ] = error_name
-# GncNumeric denominator computation schemes
-# Used for the denom argument in arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add
-from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import GNC_DENOM_AUTO
-# GncNumeric rounding instructions
-# used for the how argument in arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add
-from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import \
-# GncNumeric denominator types
-# used for the how argument in arithmetic functions like GncNumeric.add
-from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import \
-# import account types
-from gnucash.gnucash_core_c import \
-Book.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_book_', 'new')
-Book.add_method('gnc_book_get_root_account', 'get_root_account')
-Book.add_method('gnc_book_set_root_account', 'set_root_account')
-Book.add_method('gnc_commodity_table_get_table', 'get_table')
-Book.add_method('gnc_pricedb_get_db', 'get_price_db')
-Book.add_method('qof_book_increment_and_format_counter', 'increment_and_format_counter')
-#Functions that return Account
-Book.get_root_account = method_function_returns_instance(
- Book.get_root_account, Account )
-#Functions that return GncCommodityTable
-Book.get_table = method_function_returns_instance(
- Book.get_table, GncCommodityTable )
-#Functions that return GNCPriceDB
-Book.get_price_db = method_function_returns_instance(
- Book.get_price_db, GncPriceDB)
-# GncNumeric
-GncNumeric.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('gnc_numeric_', 'create')
-gncnumeric_dict = {
- 'same' : GncNumeric,
- 'add' : GncNumeric,
- 'sub' : GncNumeric,
- 'mul' : GncNumeric,
- 'div' : GncNumeric,
- 'neg' : GncNumeric,
- 'abs' : GncNumeric,
- 'add_fixed' : GncNumeric,
- 'sub_fixed' : GncNumeric,
- 'add_with_error' : GncNumeric,
- 'sub_with_error' : GncNumeric,
- 'mul_with_error' : GncNumeric,
- 'div_with_error' : GncNumeric,
- 'convert' : GncNumeric,
- 'reduce' : GncNumeric
- }
-methods_return_instance(GncNumeric, gncnumeric_dict)
-# GncCommodity
-GncCommodity.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('gnc_commodity_', 'new')
-#Functions that return GncCommodity
-GncCommodity.clone = method_function_returns_instance(
- GncCommodity.clone, GncCommodity )
-# GncCommodityTable
-commoditytable_dict = {
- 'lookup' : GncCommodity,
- 'lookup_unique' : GncCommodity,
- 'find_full' : GncCommodity,
- 'insert' : GncCommodity,
- 'add_namespace': GncCommodityNamespace,
- 'find_namespace': GncCommodityNamespace,
- }
-methods_return_instance(GncCommodityTable, commoditytable_dict)
- GncCommodityTable, { 'get_namespaces': GncCommodityNamespace,
- 'get_namespaces_list': GncCommodityNamespace,
- 'get_commodities': GncCommodity,
- 'get_quotable_commodities': GncCommodity,
- } )
-# GncCommodityNamespace
-GncCommodityNamespace.get_commodity_list = \
- method_function_returns_instance_list(
- GncCommodityNamespace.get_commodity_list, GncCommodity )
-# GncLot
-GncLot.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('gnc_lot_', 'new')
-gnclot_dict = {
- 'get_account' : Account,
- 'get_book' : Book,
- 'get_earliest_split' : Split,
- 'get_latest_split' : Split,
- 'get_balance' : GncNumeric,
- 'lookup' : GncLot,
- 'make_default' : GncLot
- }
-methods_return_instance(GncLot, gnclot_dict)
-# Transaction
-Transaction.add_method('gncTransGetGUID', 'GetGUID');
-trans_dict = {
- 'GetSplit': Split,
- 'FindSplitByAccount': Split,
- 'Clone': Transaction,
- 'Reverse': Transaction,
- 'GetReversedBy': Transaction,
- 'GetImbalanceValue': GncNumeric,
- 'GetAccountValue': GncNumeric,
- 'GetAccountAmount': GncNumeric,
- 'GetAccountConvRate': GncNumeric,
- 'GetAccountBalance': GncNumeric,
- 'GetCurrency': GncCommodity,
- }
-methods_return_instance(Transaction, trans_dict)
- Transaction, { 'GetSplitList': Split,
- })
- decorate_monetary_list_returning_function, 'GetImbalance')
-# Split
-Split.add_method('gncSplitGetGUID', 'GetGUID');
-split_dict = {
- 'GetBook': Book,
- 'GetAccount': Account,
- 'GetParent': Transaction,
- 'Lookup': Split,
- 'GetOtherSplit': Split,
- 'GetAmount': GncNumeric,
- 'GetValue': GncNumeric,
- 'GetSharePrice': GncNumeric,
- 'ConvertAmount': GncNumeric,
- 'GetBaseValue': GncNumeric,
- 'GetBalance': GncNumeric,
- 'GetClearedBalance': GncNumeric,
- 'GetReconciledBalance': GncNumeric,
- 'VoidFormerAmount': GncNumeric,
- 'VoidFormerValue': GncNumeric,
- }
-methods_return_instance(Split, split_dict)
-Split.account = property( Split.GetAccount, Split.SetAccount )
-Split.parent = property( Split.GetParent, Split.SetParent )
-# Account
-Account.add_method('gncAccountGetGUID', 'GetGUID');
-account_dict = {
- 'get_book' : Book,
- 'Lookup' : Account,
- 'get_parent' : Account,
- 'get_root' : Account,
- 'nth_child' : Account,
- 'lookup_by_code' : Account,
- 'lookup_by_name' : Account,
- 'lookup_by_full_name' : Account,
- 'FindTransByDesc' : Transaction,
- 'FindSplitByDesc' : Split,
- 'GetBalance' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetClearedBalance' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetReconciledBalance' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetPresentBalance' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetProjectedMinimumBalance' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetBalanceAsOfDate' : GncNumeric,
- 'ConvertBalanceToCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'ConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetClearedBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetReconciledBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetPresentBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetProjectedMinimumBalanceInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetBalanceChangeForPeriod' : GncNumeric,
- 'GetCommodity' : GncCommodity,
- }
-methods_return_instance(Account, account_dict)
- Account, { 'GetSplitList': Split,
- 'get_children': Account,
- 'get_children_sorted': Account,
- 'get_descendants': Account,
- 'get_descendants_sorted': Account
- }) = property( Account.GetName, Account.SetName )
-GUID.add_method('xaccAccountLookup', 'AccountLookup')
-GUID.add_method('xaccTransLookup', 'TransLookup')
-GUID.add_method('xaccSplitLookup', 'SplitLookup')
-## define addition methods for GUID object - do we need these
-GUID.add_method('guid_to_string', 'to_string')
-#GUID.add_method('string_to_guid', 'string_to_guid')
-guid_dict = {
- 'copy' : GUID,
- 'TransLookup': Transaction,
- 'AccountLookup': Account,
- 'SplitLookup': Split
- }
-methods_return_instance(GUID, guid_dict)
-class GUIDString(GnuCashCoreClass):
- pass
-GUIDString.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('string_', 'to_guid')
-from gnucash_core_c import \
-from gnucash_core_c import \
-from gnucash_core_c import \
-from gnucash_core_c import \
-from gnucash_core_c import \
-class Query(GnuCashCoreClass):
- pass
-Query.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'create')
-Query.add_method('qof_query_set_book', 'set_book')
-Query.add_method('qof_query_search_for', 'search_for')
-Query.add_method('qof_query_run', 'run')
-Query.add_method('qof_query_add_term', 'add_term')
-Query.add_method('qof_query_add_boolean_match', 'add_boolean_match')
-Query.add_method('qof_query_destroy', 'destroy')
-class QueryStringPredicate(GnuCashCoreClass):
- pass
-QueryStringPredicate.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'string_predicate')
-class QueryBooleanPredicate(GnuCashCoreClass):
- pass
-QueryBooleanPredicate.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'boolean_predicate')
-class QueryInt32Predicate(GnuCashCoreClass):
- pass
-QueryInt32Predicate.add_constructor_and_methods_with_prefix('qof_query_', 'int32_predicate')